Having breakfast....


Small Block

Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2005
Reaction score
West Plains, Mo.
....while setting here and playing on the computer. Fresk baked biscuits drenched in butter with a healthy dose of molasses over the top of em. Umm, umm good.
That sounds good. Buckwheat pancakes here.

We got a new black Kitchen Aid blender for my wife last night.

Now they all match and she is happy.

Waiting on the " Grands " biscuits right now ... Bacon and eggs is done....:cheers:
fried eggs and pork chops biscuits and a cup of coffee and a glass of milk. man my wife loves me.
I feel like such a weenie.... I had Bran Flakes. :-s
Coffee, and lots of it. Helped a local member fabricate an exhaust 'till 3 am last night (morning).
WOW Demon Seed. I mowed the grass today just to knock down some weeds before they got away from me. SNOW? That's a four letter word.
I had a quick bowl of cereal then went to a local car show. Only a couple of A-bodies, but they were really nice representatives. The weather was mild, 80+ degrees with a nice breeze. Sorry to hear about the snow-blower.

Yeah shhhhhhh on the "S" word, we dont want to hear that around here anymore either. Terry that sucks, I feel for ya!
Two cups of coffee, Wheaties and a banana most of the time.
My lunch is more like breakfast scrambled eggs on toast with cheese.
I need a good dose of molasses. Its on my list, Thanks Bill.:happy10:

I did not use the S word demon seed. It has been in the upper 70's :-D sorry