Hello, 66 Barracuda from Germany



Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
Hello, my name is Thomas from Germany (sorry for my non-perfect English). Since 2009 I drive my 66 Barracuda Formula "S" without any problems.
Please watch the little clip. I hope, you can enjoy a little bit! :p


Some photos will coming soon.

Best regards.
Welcome to FABO Thomas. You have a great looking and sounding 66 Barracuda there. I really enjoyed your video. Your car is arrow straight as I could see from the reflection in the body side while you were filming. I hope you have a good time here on the website. There are many 66 Barracuda owners here. I have a 66 Dart with the HP 273 and a 4 speed. It's fun to hear what they really sound like from outside the car. toolmanmike
Welcome Thomas, awesome Barracuda and video. Mopars sound like nothing else. I hope you'll show us a lot more about your car and the how you do things in Germany.
Looks good, sounds great Thomas nice car you should be proud. Welcome to FABO I,m kind of partial to 66 barracudas so I enjoy that kind of stuff. Thanks
Welcome to FABO Thomas.That was a nice video of your car and some nice German countryside.Enjoy the site.
servus Thomas - schön noch nen Early Fish aus Deutschland hier zu sehen.
hi Thomas - nice to see another early fish from Germany
Hey Thomas,

welcome to FABO! funny, you are not far away from me here in Germany (near Gemünden/Main), maybe we´ll come together some day! BTW, nice fish!

Welcome to FABO Thomas!

Great vid on your beautiful Cuda. Nothing looks as nice as a Cuda with Cragers!. You have a very nice looking and running car from the sounds of the video.

You will enjoy this site. Great people and information

Look forward to seeing those pictures - We love pictures

I was in Germany last week in Frankfort and Hanover for work. Your country is very beautiful

Enjoy the site

Ma Snart

Attached is a picture of my 67 Cuda I bought this summer. More pictures in my gallery for your viewing pleaseure. If you would like to see my very first time running the car down a drag strip (the first time drag racing also), click on the following site.



  • B3 Wheelie Mopare Muscle.jpg
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Welcome Thomas, nice looking cuda and great video.


  • P7110057.JPG
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Dear FABO members,
many thanks for your very friendly welcome to me!
Have you seen also my second (red) Mopar in the last seconds of video?
He is on top of my wishlist (anytime) - the big brother of the Fish.

Ma Snart,

thanks. Your Barracuda is also very nice!
I have added some pictures.
My hometown is 50 miles from Frankfurt/Main.