heres my 96 stratus keepin up with a v8 dodge =)

Are up against a Hemi charger? The Video is kinda dark.
If so your little 2.4 is doing great.
no its an 94 dadge ram 360 with exhaust and an intake i know its bad quality. would you belive me if i told you i couldnt hook up? there were patches of snow n i kept slippin i think i wouldve beat him better. if it was a hemi charger i dont think i wouldve won. i beat hondas all the time with it too poor guys try n show off to there girlfriends but the purple stratus always comes out on top. where im from we have a ''tuner'' club where a buncha these small rinky dink civic and integras and stuff and they come out on friday nights and street race well i got a buncha buddies. and we like to poke fun of them one of my friends has an 04 ford lightning and the rest have ls1s and 5.0s were the only ones that keep it muscle here in lebanon lol
there always sayin when you gunna get your dart out here so we can run it. lol when the time is right i guess
haha then my 00 stratus 5speed will take you and ur 2.4 haha =) i converted my stratus to 5speed