Hit And Run



Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2007
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Has this ever happened to anyone here? I was driving to work this morning, and as I was turning a corner at a light, a car runs light at intersection and clips the front of my truck. after spinning completely around in the middle of the intersection, I look to see what happened, all I see is the car that hit me duck down a side street. Well I wait a few minutes in the intersection, then I prop my bumper up and drive down the side street to see if the driver is alright. Guess what? no one around. heres the pics.





Does Ft Wayne have any red light cameras or any cameras around that area? You might try checking with local businesses in the area to see if any have any security cameras that might cover the intersection. Seems to work on law and order 8). If nothing else might show your insurance company you were not at fault.
Friends down the street had their car clipped by a hit and run driver (their car was parked). They reported it immediately but the cops did nothing (big surprise), so they did their own detective work. They went to every body shop in town and told them to be on the lookout for any car with the paint color that was left on their car. They ended up finding the guy in a week or so when he came in claiming that he hit a deer.

The driver that hit your truck probably was drunk, uninsured, unlicensed, or all of the above. Good luck catching the b@$+@rd!
ya that sucks.....stupid people.....sorry that happened man.. glad your alright.

was told that since the other driver ran. there was nothing that they can do, I did fill out a report though. insurance company will cover it as no fault.