Holley 4777 carb shaft leaking fuel



Old School Chrysler Fan
Feb 14, 2010
Reaction score
Desoto Texas
I have an older 4777 (650 DP) that leaks fuel from the primary shaft.
I seem to remember shaft bushings.
Can these be purchased and replaced or does the baseplate need to be replaced?
Thank you.
Some rebuild kits include Teflon strips that are for the shaft if it has the provisions for them. I used them once. They wrap around the shaft in the smaller OD, right inside ends and fit snugly once the shaft is pushed back in. Be careful or they will unroll and catch the side.
When you press the accelerator pump on the primaries..
I just now got the car running and I am trying to tune the carb.
Floats are set running on a holley red pump.
If you squirt fuel on top of the throttle blades, especially without any vacuum below them, fuel will seep out around the throttle shaft. They are not intended to seal liquid. Also if the boosters drip onto closed blades, it will seep out around the shaft. This would happen ona brand new carburetor.
You should not have fuel coming out the throttle shaft... there should be enough Gap at idle.between the throttle blade and the bores for the fuel to make it through there. you would have to have an awful lot of fuel to make it through the throttle shaft and even then I don't think it would even go through the throttle shaft... but that is based on because I have never seen fuel come out the throttle shaft that didn't have a wasted bushing to begin with.
You might want to check your floats setting.

To know for sure if the throttle bushings/teflon are shot... run it at idle and spray some water or wd40 on the shaft ends at the base/throttle plate. If the idle drops... they're leaking.
I got it running, poorly, but running.
Float levels are good.
There just seems to be fuel on the accelerator lever side when you mash it to start the engine.
Next start I will use some spray to see what it does on the shafts.
There is some movement if you wiggle the primary shaft.