How can 2020 possibly get any worse?



Legendary Member
Dec 7, 2006
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Well it is official, I will be erasing all trace or evidence of the year 2020! on top of eye surgery, Having a heart attack while driving down the road with my grandson, totaling my truck. I know your thinking how can this get any worse in the year 2020? I know, how about I test positive for Covid 19! Yup that will do it. I feel so bad that I'm going to stay off line till I feel better. I can tell you this sucks.
Hang in there Roy. Good luck, and get well.
I had it a few weeks ago. Worst and longest headache. Mild fever for about 2days. Seriously wishing you a mild case and fast recovery!
Sorry to hear, hope you feel better! Take plenty of vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc, lots of fluids too. I tested positive and after a couple weeks of feeling crappy I ended up getting some kind of pneumonia and ended up in the hospital, better now but I need to take it easy for awhile. Feel better soon Roy.
Sorry to hear, hope you get better fast, will be praying for ya buddy.
Hope it stays mild Roy.
I had it back in February. Three days of 10 different symptoms and then two weeks of fatigue. I fought it with loads of Vitamin-C since my system always kicks the flu that way whenever I get the flu.
Hope you get well soon and it's not too bad. Being the cynical a**hole I am I could think of a few ways 2020 could get worse but HEY... we only got a couple weeks left, gotta stay positive!
Well if it's any consolation to you in case you die from your 2020 year in general everyone at the funeral will say you were one tuff sum ***** lol....

Speedy recovery and 2021 won't be anything like this year....

Damn you had a hell of a year. Get well brother. Kick this things ***. You got plenty of fight left in ya.
2020 has sucked for just about all of us, but yours seems to be 'extra special'!
Hang in there.

I received a 'Christmas Letter' from one of my car club buddies. He had a list of funny stuff on the back of it. #1 is "The dumbest thing I ever bought is a 2020 Planner." Too true!
Omg Roy i hate to hear this. Prayers for you my friend! I hope you get well quickly and feel better soon.
Godspeed Roy.
Looking forward to seeing what you have to say after your recovery.
Hope 2021 brings much better things your way. Hope your recovery is rapid!
Like said Damn!!!!

I am ready to drink and piss 2020 away New Year’s Eve!