how do i get out of it without being rude

Wish to heck I'd had parents like this, LOL. We were poor. I still am
They are wanting to watch out for you.... get you something nice you can not afford on your own, make sure you can get home..... just make sure whatever you do, to acknowledge their love and generosity and let them know you really appreciate all they have done and are doing for you! Your attitude of gratitude is very important!
Rani, maybe you need to look at it from their point of view.
They have obviously discussed this together for awhile, and pay attention to your love and passion of cars, especially Darts. Otherwise, they would have taken you to a Toyota dealership. This wasn't chance.
So where does this leave you?
I know a little bit about the East Indian culture, having gone to school with some and working alongside others.
The way i see it, this is a genuine offer to you as a good will gesture towards your safety and happiness. They are proud of you.
If you do not accept the gift, you need to have a very good reason or they may be insulted.
You really need to find out if there is any strings attached before you accept this gift.
As you may realize, they want you to stay around because of not only do they like you and accept you as one their own, but they need you to take care of them when they get elderly or sick, and that is expected of you.
They take cars of you when you are young, and you take care of them when they get old.
Accept the car after you have a good talk with them, if the terms are acceptable to you.
Make it well known your intentions of keeping your old cars and driving them regularly as well as the new one.
Each one serves it's purpose.
First what a lovely gesture on their part!

To me the current cars are really fantastic machines that are much safer than the vintage cars we all love. This safety aspect trumps all other factors. Plus they are incredibly reliable too. You will be able to pursue whatever passions you have safely and not be burdened with fixing an old car - the gift of freedom.

If you feel this is an excessive expense for them there are plenty of excellent slightly used cars - Dodge Caravans are really affordable and carry a lot of old car parts.

I think you should let them do this for you.
Rani you are a truly blessed person to have parents like that. I understand your love for the old iron. I get my Cuda out and drive it every chance I get even if it does only get 12-13 mpg but a car that knocks down 35+ mpg on regular, gets around great in the bad weather, has A/C for those 90+ degree days, and generally requires very little maintenance (as in jump in it and go anytime you feel like it) sure is nice. Keep the old iron for playing and run the wheels off the new disposable ride.

Think of it this way, putting miles on the new Dart keeps the mileage down on your play toys and the cost of fuel savings leaves you more money to spend on the toys

I imagine they are looking forward to you going to interviews and potentially a new job and want you to start out fresh with a new education and a new car. A lot of safety is built into the Dart that we don't have in our old cars and I'm sure they're thinking about that too. They obviously love you so love 'em back take the car with big smiles and hugs all around. Dan
I say accept it, that is very awesome for them to do this. Having something good on gas, safer, etc is a good feeling. It will make working on your older cars easier, you can take even more time working on them, and everytime you get to drive one of them it will be like sitting down with an old friend. As a parent, I worry about my kids constantly. Knowing you are in a safer, more reliable car will probably extend their lifespans some lol.
you are still young so i understand wanting to keep the old cars as DD. as you get older and wiser you will begin to welcome the reliability,comfort and mpg of a new car for a DD. personally i'd drive the new car as a DD and keep some old iron as your toys.

like stated make sure there are no real strings attached. sounds like the family loves you and is just looking out for you.
gratz on the new dart! i have an orange one i'm getting around 33mpg - i drive it to work 4 days a week
once my duster's done it will probably be 3 days a week haha

you definitely dont want to drive your '68 during salt season anyhow i bet...

my '68 was great in the snow. i had a 4'speed and one day just to prove it to myself, i drove all the way home from work (12 miles) through the city and i never used the brakes even ONCE. just went easy, controlled my speed with the throttle & gears, downshifted enough until i would just coast to a stop at the stop signs. all this during a heavy snowstorm lol.

however, my dart did get cancer from the salt on the roads. so this new little dart of yours will protect your '68 dart
however, my dart did get cancer from the salt on the roads. so this new little dart of yours will protect your '68 dart

yikes ....I been driving the old darts here year round because they don't salt the roads here....we are lucky to get 5 or 6 good snow storms a year and even those are dryed up after a few days.....otherwise its usually cold and dry during the winter.....prarie desert out here ...that's why cars refuse to rust here....I have never had a really rotted one here ....usually just a little behind the rear wheels and that's about it. :glasses7:
I know a little bit about the East Indian culture, having gone to school with some and working alongside others.
You really need to find out if there is any strings attached before you accept this gift.

well these parents are adoptive parents and they are originally American ....its me who is East Indian not them and I don't think they expect me to stay and take of them when they are elderly ....even though that is something I am willing and would want to do .....why not when they took care of me when I was at a low point in life.

even in Indian culture, its expected that sons take care of parents ....usually the son takes over the house and the parents get old and he brings his wife in to take care of them....that's why nobody wants daughters over there ....daughters leave and cost dowry....boys stay and continue the family how it works even my real parents in India don't expect me to go back to take care of them ....there are male members that are already geared for that.

you are still young so i understand wanting to keep the old cars as DD. as you get older and wiser you will begin to welcome the reliability,comfort and mpg of a new car for a DD. personally i'd drive the new car as a DD and keep some old iron as your toys.

well, I been driving these old cars since I started driving and I have had radio delete, manual steering, manual drum brakes, and manual transmission and I have never seen anything wrong with it.

to me A/C just gets in the way and inhibits a possible big block swap.....power steering only has more hoses to break and make a mess and cost to replace......power brakes rob vacuum from the engine...I do like disk brakes but even when I don't have them long as you keep up with the hardware and adjustments, drums work great.

and radios just get in the way ....cant hear whats going with the engine with a radio ...a radio is like someone talking right into your face when your trying to concentrate and drive properly LOL

and I have never driven an automatic for longer than two weeks .....I learned on a 4 speed and I have a bunch of cars with 3 speeds ..either on the floor or column ....and a manual transmission is so easy and simple to R&R.

to me simple is better lol
From everything I have leaned about you Rani I can see why they want to do this, it's all about there love, Care and concern for you :glasses7: I have to agree with your caring parents :coffee2:
You work hard being a good student and worker, your safety is there concern IMO.
I see allot of good posts here I know you have seen and have read them, and I truly think they feel you are mature enough to have and care for a new car
I have never bought a new car until I seen my loving wife and granddaughter spending allot of time together on the road :shaking2: Know I can feel proud that they are in a safe car and will be much safer if they was involved in a wreck and I know I did my best to keep them safe as a husband and grandfather, Macy (my granddaughter) loves riding in Papaws old car, but I just drive her around in the county and to Big Al's for a treat, but I would not want her with me in heavy traffic in town or on the hwy..:shaking2: This could be a reason that they are thinking about also Rani :-k I am so proud to see you have such loving and caring folks that want to give a deserving gift to you, and is able to do it, I agree with them so yes :D I am taking there side on this young lady :D and just think, it wont take up as much room and when you want to treat there children to a road trip you can :cheers:
No one is closer to this situation than you.
There are many nuances that are unknown and I don’t have to “live” with these people.
Are they so financially secure that this is not a big purchase for them?

Or is it a financial sacrifice?
To late for “tears”, I guess.
Could you have cried in appreciation and said paying off you college loans would be a bigger help?

I suspect that to these people a car is a refrigerator.
It is just a mode of transportation.
But to you it is a statement and an item of sentiment.
I also suspect that they know that about you.
But they may not understand.
That’s the difficulty.

My grand mother always slipped my a 5 or 10 spot when she was around. It bothered me because I knew she was living on a very tight budget. I went to my Dad about this and he told me to smile and accept it..this is what she wants to do and it makes her very happy.

Sounds like you lucked out with your parents... and I think you would hurt them if you said no.

Lastly, it is a MOPAR... it could have been a Kia :)

Macy (my granddaughter) loves riding in Papaws old car, but I just drive her around in the county and to Big Al's for a treat, but I would not want her with me in heavy traffic in town or on the hwy..:shaking2: QUOTE]

Yes, safety concerns are probably driving this purchase.
I had a Pawpaw. And since I'm going to be a grandfather, I've claimed that name.
Let's you and me go riding in heavy traffic together sometime.
I'll sing "Victoria".
Did u drive the dart? Think it might grow on u? You can accept the generous gift and take good care of it . That way when it's an old car you'll have yet another classic dart.
Macy (my granddaughter) loves riding in Papaws old car, but I just drive her around in the county and to Big Al's for a treat, but I would not want her with me in heavy traffic in town or on the hwy..:shaking2: QUOTE]

Yes, safety concerns are probably driving this purchase.
I had a Pawpaw. And since I'm going to be a grandfather, I've claimed that name.
Let's you and me go riding in heavy traffic together sometime.
I'll sing "Victoria".

:D congratulations :cheers: sounds like a plan man :rock:
I have never met any of my grandfathers :-| they never made it back from the war's, but I had the best of the best grandmother and uncles to show me the way :cheers: I will gas Victoria up and leave at noon :D what time would I get there :-k :smilebox: that would be cool :D But I bet a 2013 Dart would go farther on a gallon of gas :happy3: I will meet you at Hog island on Weiss Lake :coffee2: Have a great day, looks like 68 degrees at your place this morning :coffee2:

I imagine they are looking forward to you going to interviews and potentially a new job and want you to start out fresh with a new education and a new car. A lot of safety is built into the Dart that we don't have in our old cars and I'm sure they're thinking about that too. They obviously love you so love 'em back take the car with big smiles and hugs all around. Dan

This is a good point, rani. While YOU might not care about your old cars, believe it or not, some people might. Such as perspective employers. If you pull in somewhere for an interview in (in their eyes) some old POS, it could have an effect. Like it or not, people judge on the things they can see first. By contrast, if you whoop up in a bright shiny new car, they might see responsibility. It can work to your advantage in certain instances. You shouldn't be so dead set against it. Let your parents do it for you. They will not be here forever and it will give the a sense they are needed.
This is a good point, rani. While YOU might not care about your old cars, believe it or not, some people might. Such as perspective employers. If you pull in somewhere for an interview in (in their eyes) some old POS, it could have an effect. Like it or not, people judge on the things they can see first. By contrast, if you whoop up in a bright shiny new car, they might see responsibility. It can work to your advantage in certain instances. You shouldn't be so dead set against it. Let your parents do it for you. They will not be here forever and it will give the a sense they are needed.

:notworth: well said Rob, this is a very valid point Rani :coffee2: don't deny them this feeling. Thank you Rob.

I personally understand where you are coming from. I think it is AMAZING your parents want to do this for you but I too would not want a new Dart. This is just a suggestion but what if they put that money into a restoring your 68 Dart and making it look new again? As far as the job interview is concerned I think it shows character to show up in an old car. It shows that you are independant and can think for yourself. It shows you don't have to be like everyone else. I say be true to yourself.... if driving a new Dart is not being true to who you are don't do it.

All this being said you should be VERY grateful to have parents who care about you! I hope this helps.
I dont know what you should do or how you should do it as I dont know you.

But I do know what I would do if that situation ever came up as i have had similar discussions with my family members. I would kindly decline with thank you's all around for the thought and tell them to take the money they were going to use and go on a great vacation for themselves!
Perhaps you are afraid that you will like it better than the old cars you are used to.
I was that way a few years ago until I got the Ford Focus.
I was afraid that I would lose some of my personality if I retired my ragged old Valiant 4 door and drove it instead.
Actually, it took off a lot of pressure after I got used to it in the way of better gas mileage, ease of driving, reliability, etc. I also got to discover that I could fit a lot of a body parts in there when I was building the Dart Sport and was great for a parts chaser.
Now i'm glad I got the economy car, and i'll never look back.
Getting a new car doesn't mean you have to forget your old cars.
Look at it as a purpose vehicle.
Just get one with a standard trans if you are stuck on that.
Bottom line is, do what you feel is right for you.
Good luck,
Wow Rani! You sure do have nice adoptive parents. I may be way off base with my answer to your question, but here it is.

It is obvious they want to make your life a little easier if not safer. They apparently feel that they can afford it and have given it a lot of thought. You like your old iron and obviously appreciate the thought from them. You don't have to hurt their feelings at all. If it was me, I would sit down and talk to them. They may want nothing more than to see you driving a nice looking car. If that is the case, then see if you can talk them down to maybe just paying for a quality paint job on the old iron of your choice. It doesn't cost them as much, you will look killer in freshly painted old iron and maybe everybody will be happy. Just a thought.
