How do you do it?


jarhead 69

Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2015
Reaction score
Roswell, N.M.
UCA bushings are rusted to the control arm. When I put the C clamp on and start to twist, all that wants to come out is the rubber part with the inner steel sleeve. How do I get the outer piece of bushing out without grring the whole assembly? Thansk for any input!
Might have to go ahead and remove the inner section and then cave the outer shell in on itself enough to where they come out.
I have been able to remove them by driving them out with a big hammer while the arm is supported on two sides of my big bench vise. You can also use heat on the arm to swell the whole a little.
Use an air chisel to collapse them inward, then walk them out...
Or else remove the rubber insides and take a sawzall or hacksaw blade to the inside just enough to split the metal bushing sleeve. Lots of ways to skin a cat....
If you were closer to me I'd replace them for you. Like has been said there are many ways to get the job done.
I did mine with a Sawzall as well - VERY SLOWLY. It's a total PIA, and I made a couple of little marks on the LCAs but it seemed to work OK.
You think those are a chore, wait till you replace the front leaf spring bushings without taking the springs out and nothing to press them out or back in with. :D

Now that was a challenge.
If you're running polyurethane replacement bushings, the outer sleeve does not have to come out!!
If you're running polyurethane replacement bushings, the outer sleeve does not have to come out!!

True, true.
Same with the lower control arm bushings and front leaf bushings.
Light 'em on fire for about 10 minutes.
With the heat and the extra room, they come out easily with a hammer and a punch.
Yes, but it works.
FOR Lowers :
Weld a washer on the flange lip and press out from the back.
Heat up the rubber till it comes out and use a panel cutter down two sides of the sleeve.
With rubber removed VERY CAREFULLY use a torch at a shallow angle to cut the sides of the sleeve.
For uppers:
BFH and a vice or section of tubing or pipe
Vice and large socket
Large sockets and all thread
UCA bushings can be pushed out and in with a bench vice. And don't use your wimpy MyLittlePony China-benchvice ofcourse. Use a manly one.
When Upper bushings are rusted it is very easy to damage the arm. Add heat and/or PB Blaster to break up the rust before using a press or vise. A C-clamp will NOT get the job done.
UCA bushings can be pushed out and in with a bench vice. And don't use your wimpy MyLittlePony China-benchvice ofcourse. Use a manly one.

That's how i did em. MyLittlePony got the job done, but she felt the pain. Good reason to upgrade to a manly vise.