How many of you have had heart valve surgery?



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FABO Gold Member
Jan 18, 2006
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I have a noisy Mitral valve that needs repair and apparently a couple bypasses to be done as well. The surgery is scheduled for July 18 at Mayo in Rochester Minn. Anyone else have open heart surgery?
Hey toolman.
Two months ago, after a ultrasound, CT scan, X rays, the doctors told me i have a "weak" valve, on my heart, enlarged heart, ventricular problems, and some other medical gobble d goop, that i have to find out about.
My medical care is through the VA, and i have fallen through the cracks in this current diagnosis, with now heart issues.
Finally have an appointment on the 8th to ask my doctor lots of questions that i have in regards to my diagnosis.
Sure hope i don't need an operation either.
Hey toolman.
Two months ago, after a ultrasound, CT scan, X rays, the doctors told me i have a "weak" valve, on my heart, enlarged heart, ventricular problems, and some other medical gobble d goop, that i have to find out about.
My medical care is through the VA, and i have fallen through the cracks in this current diagnosis, with now heart issues.
Finally have an appointment on the 8th to ask my doctor lots of questions that i have in regards to my diagnosis.
Sure hope i don't need an operation either.
I hope not too. Sounds like my diagnosis.
Twice, a quad and a double, ain't fun but beats the alternative!, after the soreness wears off You'll feel much better, but Ya need to really make changes in diet, weight, etc, and just don't take it forgranted, they can only go in so many times, although they can do stints.
Nobody is more surprised I'm alive than Me, almost 73, had my quad in 88 and my double in 02.
You'll be alright Mike, and back in the garage pretty soon, it's like a new lease on life!
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I was hoping for just a valve repair done robotically but my last CT scan with dye showed some restrictions requiring a bypass or two. Might as well split me open and get it done.
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Ironic, Lori and I just got news that she may have what her GP is calling a "heart block". The block is "electrical " apparently? And intermittent. Related to the lower part of her heart. She wore a monitor for 2 days and this was what they found. Could be false readings too.
Best of luck Mike.
I had a triple will be 3 years ago this Sept. It makes quite a story as I ended up in the hospital on North side of Houston as the hurricane and flood hit! But that is another story.
Like Avispa just said, you will be somewhat sore, and takes some time to heal, but you will feel way better after it all.
It ain't no hill for a stepper, and YOU are a stepper!!
not me, but my father in law had a qaud ages ago
if they could pull it off back then, i have no doubt they got it down now
Yes good luck Mike. My father had a 5 artery bypass and lived another 22 years before he passed from unrelated health issues. Good luck again.
Just went thru it with my father. While I was not the one in the gurney I was with him every step of the way. I asked him this morning explaining I had a buddy about to go thru it what would his advice be. His advice is as follows. First he says go in with a positive attitude, he also explained that frankly having his teeth pulled for dentures was by far more traumatic and painful than his bypass surgery. He said listen intently when Doctors and Surgeons are talking to you, he said it also helps to have someone in room with you as to the Dr it is just another day so they tend to talk fast. We are from Ark. so we talk slow! Hah! Anyway he also said he feels way better now than he did for years prior. He said do what they suggest and tell you to do. Your eating habits will change period. Follow post op directions to the letter, they have it down pat. And here is my favorite, in recovery once you are going to bathroom again be sure and keep your leads (all wires and tubes) untangled and straight, otherwise you are not going to make it to the bathroom in time and will pee on the floor. Hope this helps guy!
And you we can show up with serious medicinal help if you need. Think single malt and pizza! Keep us posted and we will pray like bandits in a dead end canyon!
Both my wife and I had stents put in. Mine when I was 56 and hers when she was 48. Both of us are doing quite well since the surgery. It took me about a year after the surgery before I felt comfortable doing any kind of heavy work. Since then I've built a one-bedroom one-bath Cottage and also pull the engine out of my car and put it back in mostly by myself With a Little Help from My Wife. So there's life after surgery and the Mayo Clinic is a great place to have it done. Good luck, Steve.
I had a cardiac arrest 2 years ago. 5 artery bypass. Toughest part was recovering breathing as they put you on a heart/lung machine and collapse the lungs to do the procedure. If you're a smoker the The recovery will be longer. Also cut through your breastbone. That takes 3-6 months to heal. After that you'll feel 20 years younger.
I had a cardiac arrest 2 years ago. 5 artery bypass. Toughest part was recovering breathing as they put you on a heart/lung machine and collapse the lungs to do the procedure. If you're a smoker the The recovery will be longer. Also cut through your breastbone. That takes 3-6 months to heal. After that you'll feel 20 years younger.
The whole deal I admit is scary. Personally I did not have any real pain afterwards, I was in IC for like 24 hours, then on the heart floor1 day, and I was outta there. I rested about 1 week after I got home, I was walking a 1/2 mi every morning then.
Your time at this deal will be a walk in the park!
I went to the hospital feelng "off" and going into a cold swat, NO pain. I get there and they put in 2 tints, did not like how my arteries came out of my heart, so elected the triple bypass, They said I had 2 arteries 98% closed. They had put me on blood thinner right after the stints so they say 5 days for that to do away., before they can do surgery. Well it took me 7 days. By then Houston had 25 inches of rain from Harvey, flooding everywhere. Evacuating hospitals and moving patients in and out of many hospitals including mine The flood water had come with 1/4 mi of ours Military helicopters coming and going for days, on generator, NO TV! for days, we live 1 hr away, the roads were flooded and wife could not get there, even for the operation. OH yea, my operation got delayed another 3 days because of labor day!!! I was there 18 days total should have been there 3!!!!!! lol

One thing I will mention. You can not use your arms to lift yourself up after this deal, till you heal. You will be shown some techniques to help you get up with just your legs. You lean forward as you rise up, and that helps.
No valves but had an "attack" went to the hospital and asked if I was having a heart attack only to be told We are not sure NOTHING shows that ? After tests and a chest X-ray it was found.... Widow Maker in wait they went in through my wrist scraped out some sludge shoved in a stent, I was 50, 54 now and dont feel any different than before seems kinda strange but it is true. Good luck fear not. I still do the same things i did before.
Mike, see if you can have them do an upgrade to a Hemi while they are in there...

Mike, sounds like Your getting a lot of encouragement, advice, and heads up on the surgery from folks who have been there, dun that, and have the T-shirt, and We are all here. This surgery is now pretty routine, remember when Ya absolutely didn't wanna do something, then Ya did it, then afterwards Ya said to Yourself," that wasn't so bad" ? well same here, the dread or anticipation sometimes is worse on Ya than the event. You'll be fine, I've had it done twice and made it, and I'm a puss. plus, You'll be inducted into the good ol' "zipper club"
Let us know where your at so we can send cards, etc.
Oh yeah, and Mike...ask them to equip it to run on ethanol.

That way you will never run out of power!
Wish you a procedure and recovery without any issue and fast to be back on your feet! And
after reading all this from you other guys... I think its time to make an appointment for a physical.
Wish you a procedure and recovery without any issue and fast to be back on your feet! And
after reading all this from you other guys... I think its time to make an appointment for a physical.
Thanks and you should. I went to my Dr. for diverticulitis symptoms and she is good enough to check me over a bit while I was in there. "I hate to alarm you but you have a squeaky heart valve" and it went from there. I'm not in any immediate danger but she could have saved my life. The heart surgeons found the restrictions that a bypass or two will fix.