How not to start your young life on Craigslist



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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At least two little bastards have been running around the Spokane area advertising that they want to buy --mostly Apple products. They'd meet people in a park, I imagine picked for time/ place to be isolated, and rob the seller.

At least 5 robberies have been attributed to these two suspects

Seventeen years old. What a great talking point on your next resume.
" Most of the items sold have been Apple products, specifically Mac Book computers. The sellers of the property were contacted by a buyer who requested the seller meet them at a local park to buy the product. When the seller arrived at the park they were robbed of the item, in some cases at gunpoint"

Anyone that would agree to meeting in a secluded park by themselves really needs a reality check some would call it common sense apparently they (the victims) don't have any
The odd thing is, there was somebody "spamming" CL here lately "wanting to buy" electronics and Mac products, and there was somebody else who was constantly posting "RE:" ads about how full of crap the "buyer" was about what he was willing to pay!!!!

I don't know the specifics of "where they were meeting," but that does not make it less of a crime.

If this had happened to me, somebody might be dead.
Yeah, they probably offered them a terrific deal that was too good to be true also. People get sucked in by their own greed. I ALWAYS meet people off CL at a busy convenience store where I know the police hang around a lot.