How successful were you in loosing weight question?



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Dec 22, 2009
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Rancho Cordova, CA
Went in to see the dietitian at the Mather VA last week in regards to loosing some weight off this old mans body.
The goal is 30 pounds, down to 200, by the end of the year.
That's a figure that's pretty much do able, i guess, as this 70 year old will be changing his eating habits.
Any of you guys out there in the membership land, loose weight, and how successful were you at doing it?
Any tips to follow, you can pass along?
Jim V.
Get a digital food scale and weigh everything. Learning what a proper portion is, was definitely eye opening. Don’t drink any calories, water unsweetened tea and black coffee only.
No real magic to it. Don't eat any candy, chips or regular soft drinks (sugar free ok).
Eat smaller servings. Take walks at least 3 times a week.
I used baby carrots as a snack if I needed one.
You actually lose weight when you sleep. Skip breakfast for a couple of days a week. This also gives your body a fasting period of between 15-18 hrs if you eat lunch.
I lost 40 lbs in 4 months. Still off 3 years later.
No fancy diets, scales, pills etc... Less calories in = less weight. Snacks was the biggest factor.
Good luck I am 69.
It is a simple, simple mathematical equation

Figure out how many calories you need, then eat less

That is all there is too it
(Of course, simple doesn't mean easy)

There is a member on here who has a great thread on it, I can't remember his handle, but I remember the difference between a regular and a large fries, as well as several gallon jugs of milk)
No soda. No sugar, try monk fruit sugar. No bread, pasta, rice, potatoes. Meat and veggies. Fat is not the enemy really, it sugar.
Is weight the only concern? How is your A1C, LDL, BP, etc.? Any diet and exercise plan should take all of those into consideration - not just weight.
Join a good gym, and make weight lifting part of your routine. Don't start out doing too much. Twice a week on a Circuit of machines. Mix in walking for 30 minutes a couple days per week. The weight lifting increases your matabolism which will help you burn more calories even when you're just sitting around. Make a couple small diet changes in the right direction.
It is a simple, simple mathematical equation

Figure out how many calories you need, then eat less

That is all there is too it
(Of course, simple doesn't mean easy)

There is a member on here who has a great thread on it, I can't remember his handle, but I remember the difference between a regular and a large fries, as well as several gallon jugs of milk)
That would be me. I have lost over 115 lbs and kept it off.

It is as simple as understanding the calories you burn and the calories you consume. It’s sometimes called CICO, Calories In and Calories Out.

You don’t need to change what you eat, just eat less than you burn and you WILL lose weight. It isn‘t magic, just simple science. A bucket of water that empties faster than it fills will always go down in volume and weigh less.

Here is my thread…

Weight loss and perseverance
Join a good gym, and make weight lifting part of your routine. Don't start out doing too much. Twice a week on a Circuit of machines. Mix in walking for 30 minutes a couple days per week. The weight lifting increases your matabolism which will help you burn more calories even when you're just sitting around. Make a couple small diet changes in the right direction.
I do a lot of walking around my hood, right now anyway, so that's in my routine right now.
Aired up the tires in my bicycle, so I'll be riding that thing around all over again.
Due to a bad back, there is no way that i can do anything weigh lifting wise, or sit ups, push ups, for an exercise routine.
That's completely out of the equation here.
The dietitian talked to me lots in what to eat, yes smaller portions, and another big deal is SODIUM intake, to cut way back on, in my instance.
A lot of sodium (and also sugar and corn syrup) in prepared foods.
For example look at the labels on salad dressing and even a basic like tomato sauce.
Dressings are pretty easy to make, so I don't even bother buying them. Oil, vinegar, mustard, light soy sauce, garlic etc.
Tomato sauce is a lot of work to make from scratch, so I look for those with just tomatoes, and a maybe some spices. Cento and Hunt's plain is my typical go - to. It does have salt, so I don't add any. I just add basil, oregano, garlic and sometimes dill or other items.

Just a couple of examples of how extra sodium can get into our diets. Once you spot it, its not hard to eliminate a lot of those sneaky ones.
Is weight the only concern? How is your A1C, LDL, BP, etc.? Any diet and exercise plan should take all of those into consideration - not just weight.
They take enough blood out of me for analysis, all the time, and never said anything back to me in regards to high cholesterol levels.
Blood pressure readings are all over the map with me, from normal good readings, to what they say are stage one high.
I take pills for blood pressure, and other blood related issues that i have going on, in my insides.
Had a valve replacement on my heart 2 1/2 years ago, so i'm considered someone with a bad heart, too.
Got a cow valve in me now, keeping me going, alive.
Scheduled for another blood draw at the end of next month to see how everything's going.
Went in to see the dietitian at the Mather VA last week in regards to loosing some weight off this old mans body.
The goal is 30 pounds, down to 200, by the end of the year.
That's a figure that's pretty much do able, i guess, as this 70 year old will be changing his eating habits.
Any of you guys out there in the membership land, loose weight, and how successful were you at doing it?
Any tips to follow, you can pass along?
Jim V.

I did Keto which was supidly easy.. i ate like a pig and went from 230-146 in like 6 months.. i had to stop cause i got too skinny.. also felt like i was 18 again. amazing diet.
I did 33 pounds in seven to ten Days...... when I got C-19. Everything tasted like crap, and smelled like it too. After 3 days I wasn't much hungry anymore. If you can make it to 24 hours, the stomach quiets right down, and in the next day or two, your body begins to cannibalize fat. You can tell when this happens cuz you start getting some energy back, and you get that crappy taste in yur mouth.......
By about the fifth day, you see it on the scales pretty good.
I highly recommend consuming lots of fiber, and water, tho from day-one...... cuz getting yur pooper going again after a fast can be a bit of a PITA, lol.
Fiber retains water and passes right thru. It has no caloric value.
Jim, Kitty and I have done the diet thing a few times through the years. I can honestly say getting it off isn't the big issue. Keeping it off is. The most successful thing we did was "The Whole 30" It works very well, but you have to cut out 100% sugar, bread, dairy and a few other things for 30 days. I'll say we both lost about 30 pounds in 30 days. It flat works. But the choices they give you to eat......ghee for butter, almond milk are not tasty at all. At this point all we've done is cut out all soft drinks and we don't use sugar at home. We use monk fruit extract. It's been shown to actually lower blood sugar and doesn't put on the weight either. IT's not artificial, but it does have a different taste than sugar. Sugar is the biggest enemy, because so many things turn into sugar once they enter our bodies. Here is the Whole 30 web site. It's not plant based, unless you want that option. What we liked about it is, they flat out tell you that you don't have to buy their products and tell you how to do it reasonably on your own budget.
Growing up I was referred to as "husky". which meant I was overweight. Living in an Italian household we ate and had pasta three to four times a week. It was a different world back then and we played outside all day and after school so although chubby i was active
In early 73 I did my basic training and lost some weight but I didnt lose that much until advanced training. I was in Kentucky and by that time it was getting hot. Every day right before we fell out for dinner we ran for miles and when we finished it was right into the chow hall, naturally I wasnt hungry and didnt eat much
Some nights we walked to get ice creme at a on base stand
Even with eating ice creme I was down to 165 lbs from 240 and that was in six months time
Now at 71 i need to lose 25lbs. I was told by my doctor that im stress eating, taking care of my wife and everything else, food becomes your comfort. What saves me to some degree is im no couch potato, even with bad knees im out everyday, ran or shine, walking or working. I dont drink beer either which helps
Im no weight lost expert but id say go slow, exercise according to what your doctor tells you and eat smart.
Back in 2019 I dropped 45 lbs. 4 years later I put most of it back on. Back in March of this year I got back on the wagon. Down 25 lbs so far.

I’m doing keto. Limit carb intake to 25 grams a day and I try to stay under 1500 calories a day.
Eat less. That's how I've dropped 35-40 over the last 8 months. 4 of those months were in bed or chair, after major surgery. I've also become friends with chicken, turkey, and salads. Many veggies are delicious. Sugar is terrible for ya, and is in so many foods. Kill the deserts and pop.
Back in 2019 I dropped 45 lbs. 4 years later I put most of it back on. Back in March of this year I got back on the wagon. Down 25 lbs so far.

I’m doing keto. Limit carb intake to 25 grams a day and I try to stay under 1500 calories a day.
Carbs are everything.... i was amazed at what keto did for me.. even random erections that i hadn't had in 30 years.. (too much right? yeah... i know...)
Back in 2019 I dropped 45 lbs. 4 years later I put most of it back on. Back in March of this year I got back on the wagon. Down 25 lbs so far.

I’m doing keto. Limit carb intake to 25 grams a day and I try to stay under 1500 calories a day.
For proportions, a bacon king burger (just the burger, no fries) is 1083 calories
I never counted calories, just tried to keep under 20g carbs.. ate like a pig all day and weight just melted off.. lucky
A solid hour of rigorous sex twice a day, helps muscle tone and weight loss.
I had a check up the other day and one of the questions was if I was sexually active
i told her no, i pretty much just lay there

the nurse did not think that was amusing
I avoid fast food all together besides a Chick-fil-A salad. Other than that, fast food isn’t worth the calories.
absolutely, not to mention the price of a happy meal today is through the roof

i just threw it out there to show how easy it is to go over without even trying