How to connect the accelerator cable ..



Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2009
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Nova Scotia
Dumb question, I know..

I have a Holley 670. I have installed a lokar kick down cable.

The V8 accelerator cable was too long so I put the old one back in.

I see a place where I can connect the cable to the carb but shouldn't there be a holder for the cable..not sure if I am saying this right..but the tubing must stay non moving while the cable moves...

Any help is muchly appreciated..

Thanks !

Could see my breath in the garage, where did spring go !
Ok..that is what mine looks do you attach the cable accelerator cable ?
The cables dont clamo in. They just sit in in the ling hollow bolts and when you connect to the carb that is what holds them in place. If that isn't what your wondering then I guess I'm not following what your asking. Is it possible to post a pic of your set up?
Sure. You pics showed me that I am on the right track.

Going to go out and work tonight in the garage..shirt, 2 sweaters and I will still be cold..cold snap should be over on Wednesday,,
Ahhhh Now I get it! I thought you went to all Lokar cables.

I believe you need to use your factory throttle cable bracket and yes there is a clamp for that... I used to have one but not sure if I still have a factory bracket. I can run out and check.

As for the pin your arrow is pointing to. I believe that is for Ford use only. The throttle cable should attach to the same plate your kickdown is on. Let me take a quick run to the garage and see what I have for parts laying around.
I don't have a factory carb with the factory fittings :( It went with the engine.

However, I happen to have one of these..circled on the pic..

View attachment carb 22.jpg

can I start from here..where would I bolt it... ?
Sadly, nowhere that I can think of. It might be just as easy to get a Lokar throttle cable and do a similar set up like I have that I posted in the first set of pics.

If your insistent on using the stock throttle cable you can purchase a bracket that bolts to the 2 rear intake manifold bolts just like a factory style did from here...

Although they are just about as much as a Lokar cable. Sorry wish I knew of something different.
If I had a spare bracket I would send you mine, but Im wanting to keep it with the kickdown linkages.

Try throwing up a wanted ad for a throttle bracket. Someone may be able to get you one sooner than 3 weeks.
I have a guy in Cape Breton that runs a speed shop..I amy get lucky.

I *appreciate* all the help you have given me.

ian :)
No problems! Thats what we are here to do for each other. Wish I could had been some more help for you.. Best of luck and keep us posted


You pointed me in the right direction. That is a major for me. E-mail has been sent out.
BTW, those return springs in one of the first pics, put there they'll wear out the bushings in the carb's throttle plate much faster than if they were directly opposing the cable where it attaches to the throttle lever. I like them where shown, it's neat and clean, but I quit putting them there for this reason.