Huge tomatoes this year

Tony let those last two tomato's go and see if they turn orange...I have an idea who the dad might be.
The tomato crop was awesome this year. I think Halloween day is a record to still be growing tomatoes.

We have had two mild frosts so far but I covered my tomato plants with blankets. But today is the last day and I am not going to cover them and I am going to let nature go for it. Even though we are still having 70s in the days, the nights are getting cold around here.

So this is it.....the Halloween pickings and the last of the 2014 production run :???:

Goodbye pretty tomato plants till next year :sad9:


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Thanks Tony........that is quite the tomato plant. Looks like some randy tomato plant was was messing around with a pumpkin plant last fall.

I am still making it. I have a nice batch of tomatoes and peppers that will be ready this weekend and I will probably get one more batch of veggies to ripen in 10 days.

I've made 3 kinds of salsa so far
Chili's Style Salsa
4 Pepper Salsa
Pineapple pepper salsa

I'm gonna make one more flavor - 5 alarm fire using Jalapenos, Cajun Bells, Chili peppers and 3 kinds of bells.

My wife prefers the Pepperoni Pasta Sauce I make but it takes about 40 lbs of tomato's to make a gallon of sauce. I love salsa, so we have some battles as it takes way more tomatoes to make her sauce than my salsa.

So I get the next batch and she gets whatever is left in the garden.

Would you mind sharing the Pineapple Pepper Salsa recipe?
I picked around 25 green tomatoes a couple of days ago before
we pulled the plant up as they were not going to ripen.

So this evening i sliced them up, coated them with corn meal
and fried them.


I hope another one comes up next year.
I would have saved a few seeds from that randy plant Tony :D
First time to see this thread, I did not do well on tomatos this year, don't know if
it was my plants or the season we had, I went out and turned the small garden and
cut all the runners on my strawberry plants and set the new one a couple weeks ago.
Last night at dark I went out and covered them before the freeze we got
Those sure did good on there own :color:
we had a poor tomato crop this year on p.e I. blight took most all of peoples crop due to the high humidity . being said we got a few but not enough to preserve or make salsa.
That tomato makes me hungry for a BLT for lunch. We had a pretty good harvest for the first year at my son's house. He has grapes, raspberries, blackberries, and gooseberries along with rhubarb and lots of asparagus. We planted peas, green beans, 3 kinds of tomatoes and 3 kinds of peppers and cucumbers. I also had radishes and green onions to eat fresh. We had plenty to eat share and can.


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'ay, Nice tomata's

Gardening/ planting became a new hobby, this year. Built a 4' x 8' planter box. Planted two 4 $ dollar K mart tomato plants, carrots & radishes... The two tomato plants took off, within 90 days , took over the whole planter box. Every relative had multiple tomatoes delivered weekly, plus the family take. Finally pulled the plant roots , two weeks ago ( getting acidic tasting)... Was a hoot.
Would you mind sharing the Pineapple Pepper Salsa recipe?


Here is a recipe that yields about 3-4 jars

Bout 15 oz's of de-seeded medium tomatoes (Like a medium bowl full)
Half to whole medium vidalia or yellow onion
2-3 jalapenos - de-seeded. If you like it hotter than leave in the seeds of one or more of them.
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1 tablespoon lime juice.
Can of pineapple but only put in as much as your taste buds demand! start with 1/4 cu

Clean and de-seed tomatoes and run through the processor using the slicing blade.
Do the same with the onions and jalapenos. The reason I slice them first is so that the pieces of vegetable will be tiny.

Once you sliced them all change your blade in the processor to the chopping blade and put half of all the ingredients in the processor. If you can fit them all in then go for it.
Pulse the processor until the mixture becomes finer. Add more pineapples to taste.

Follow canning instructions on canning equipment or you tube and enjoy!

You may adjust any of the ingredients to suit your taste buds. :D
Here's a couple I grew this year. Still have one growing covered up.


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You guys have some nice lookin' tomaters there....