I’ll just leave this here. Inquire for a good laugh......

I have a buddy that his dad has stock piled the air cleaners, exhaust manifolds and every aluminum intake since the mid 60s. Pretty sad that he won’t sell anything as he could use the money to have a better life. The old man says he is happy. I am just in awe of his hoard. Kim

And they're in Canada!!! Since when do we ever have the upper hand? Lol
Ok so I’m thinking that seems high :wtf: you could buy a complete L.S. Swap for that price :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I'm not sure why I looked at the air cleaner listing again today, but it look like they took it off the market. The reason listed as,"This listing was ended by the seller because there was an error in the listing." The error being the price?
I've been holding off on starting a project to replicate the 70-71 340 air cleaners, and sell them as "Air Cloners" I was half holding off doing it until I retire, to have an ongoing project, and half holding off because I'm afraid some scammer would turn around and jack the price out of site and sell them as originals to an unsuspecting sucker. I had intended to mark them so they could easily be distinguished, but I would still worry. I will be making them out of 72-73 340 air cleaners that I have stashed back for years. Given the prices those things are bringing now, I may just sell the stash and forget it...lol.
Yeah man, the 72+ 340 air cleaners used to be dime a dozen. Now they are priced ridiculous too. I remember when they were selling for $40 for a really decent condition one. Glad I tucked a few away for the future.
I really dont like 99% of the aftermarket air cleaners that are available. Someone should make a generic factory appearing air cleaner. Not everyone wants cast aluminum or open element air cleaners on their engines.
Those air cleaners are going UP UP UP in price. I bought one about a year ago for around $300 and that was a good price at the time. Now im seeing them in the $500-$700 range. I wouldnt be surprised if someone came along and paid $1200 for that. Not me but im sure someone would if they needed it bad enough.
Anyone have one in the $300-$350 range I will buy it all day long. I remember when you could get a 72+ 340 air cleaner for $40. Now they are $150-$300. Its not that the parts are growing in value, our dollar is not worth crap anymore.
Conveniently priced the same as a stimulus check.......

I guess that's why I got a 30 dollar one I'd like to find a correct one for my car but no way I'm paying 3 digits for a air cleaner. Much less 4! Its literally stamped sheet metal. They probably would cost 10 bucks to make. That may not be a bad business idea lol
Yeah, would take about 10 bucks to stamp one out but 200k investment for the dies.
If that’s what he wants for that, what is mine worth? ( Not for sale )
