I am sick of being sick



Life is an experiment
Mar 13, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Oklahoma
I just hate my life some days and today is another one of those days. I get little enjoyment out of life and my quality of life sucks. I have plenty of stuff to work on and tools to work on it with but it ends up making me hurt worse so why even bother. My daughter totalled her car and I have just about got it finished but she acted like a real B**ch yesterday when I asked her to quit yelling at her mother. I told her to stop because I was on the phone and internet trying to locate some clamps to reset her core support so it would be right when it was welded. She got mad, called me every name in the book, told me she wished I would die and went home. I called her and told her if she didn't get back up here and help on her car that I was taking it out of the shop. I also told her that I wouldn't ever finish it. She came back up still screaming and yelling at me that she wished I would just die. We ended up working on the car only after she finally said she wanted to but still acting like a B**ch. We didn't get if finished yesterday, today I am in so much pain and my nerves are shot I am ready to just drive off and never come back. I am going to have to deal with her in a couple more hours and I don't feel like it. I really wish that she would get her wish because I am sick and tired of not feeling good.
I hate to say it man but I would ask if she really meant what she said and if she says yes then I would say I am dead as far as your concerned. Man that would piss me off so bad to be disrespected like that. Sorry to hear you don't feel good. We are going into a colder jet stream right now and it has made me fell a little off as well. I'm in Midwest City, Ok. Is that your shop in the avatar picture?
Not sure if this will help you feel any better but kids today no matter how hard we tried to teach them right have little or no respect for anyone or anything. I am in the same boat as it sounds like you are plenty of motorcycle wrecks and other have my back and hip almost not usable without a hand full of pills,after a 8 or 10 hr.day of work ,I can hardly move around and it takes me the whole weekend to get to feeling better,recently the 23 year old son said he needed to move home ,mine and my wife's reply was when you help your dad paint and put a new floor down you can move back in,after 6 weeks of trying to do what should have taken a week. I had to get the wife to help finish because the kid couldn't find the time, to make a long story short he disrespected me numerous times and to find out he really just wanted a place to store his thing's because he is living with a girlfriend. If she continues to treat you like that I would draw the line and tell her you just don't have the time, the same way they treat us when we want them to do something for us. I hope you get to feeling better soon.
If one of my kids talked to me like that, the car would be out in the street, with all the parts thrown in the front seat.
If my sis yelled and screamed at my mom to this day, my 78 year old man would still snatch her *** out of the house and be told to leave.:protest:
You tell her to go get her own car.

I don't care who she is, people that act like that don't deserve any favors. You are too nice for putting up with stuff like that but from here out I suggest you live for yourself instead of worrying about other ungrateful people so much.

The second time she mouthed off, it would be exactly like mopar head said..her car and the junk with it would be out in the street.
I hate to say it man but I would ask if she really meant what she said and if she says yes then I would say I am dead as far as your concerned. Man that would piss me off so bad to be disrespected like that. Sorry to hear you don't feel good. We are going into a colder jet stream right now and it has made me fell a little off as well. I'm in Midwest City, Ok. Is that your shop in the avatar picture?

That avatar is jsu on I found on the net. I think it is in England. My shop is an unfinished still since 2004 but close steel type building.
hay man i hate to here that how old is she if u dont mind me asking i did some thing like that to my dad one time when i was 16 or so .. i wish i never had done it to this day . .. as for y i here the pain thing man but dont say that kind of stuff i know it dont mean much but we want ya around .. so do me a faver and dont kick the buckit . i do pray u feel better remeber shes never to old to bust her ***
Oklacarcollecto Let me get settled in and I would like to come visit you. I have a cane and car and will travel. PM me later if you want to have some company and help.
I feel for ya brother!!!
Take your time and finish that car up at your pace !!!
List that car on craiglist or put her up front with a FOR SALE SIGN.
That's right sell that car and hand your daughter a bus card.
If you were to show others no respect,how would they treat you...
It will some day make her a better person.
Sounds like she does not deserve a car !!!
How about giving her some of her medicine?
Sorry I sold your car to see the doctor about the pain you have been causing me...
Rant Over
So sorry you're having a bad day. I can completely relate being disabled myself. I hope that things get better for you. I am a PM and a phone number away if you ever need to talk.
Man this thread upsets me. The language she used to talk to you is unexcusable. How is her car your responsibility? I would call the recycler for a pickup and let her know she could bail the car out from the crusher if she could make it in time. This lady needs a serious wake-up call--------------
I hope you feel better and calm yourself down. Sounds like time to take a drive in your current Mopar daily driver and throw your worries out the window. Good luck to you!
I hope you feel better.Your Daughter needs her butt kicked.I would not do her anymore favors, I would tell her do not even ask!
hay man i hate to here that how old is she if u dont mind me asking i did some thing like that to my dad one time when i was 16 or so .. i wish i never had done it to this day . .. as for y i here the pain thing man but dont say that kind of stuff i know it dont mean much but we want ya around .. so do me a faver and dont kick the buckit . i do pray u feel better remeber shes never to old to bust her ***

She is 20.
She is starting the same crap tonight. I told her I hurt, I feel bad and everything is on the car but the bumper. There is no reason she can't drive the car for a few days because everthing is tight and secure. No that isn't good enough. We accedentily welded 4 tab holes and I need to redrill them. Now I am getting screamed at, yelled at and cussed out again right now!!
Its time to put your foot down or it will be like this for the rest of your life... do you really want it to be that way? Do you really want to live like this? A lesson needs to be learned here and its not you that needs the learning.
She is 20.

I feel for you my brother.

My 21 year old daughter had been treating me in a disrespectful manner. She didn't like my rules, etc. She decided to move out to "finish school". After dropping two semesters of classes, I quietly removed her from my health insurance and automobile insurance and I stopped giving her money "for gas to get to class". When her money ran out she asked to move "back home". I told her that it was no longer her home but she could come live in my house under a set of conditions which I laid out for her and told her to agree to it or stay away. She moved back into her old room and has been making progress for the last year and 9 months. She is now 24 and has two years left to get her degree and has been working the entire time.

Sometimes you have to be tougher than they are.
i would be putting my foot right of that bitches *** if she was my daughter. then i would send he on her way and tell her not to come back until she apologizes and knows how to talk to me and her mother.. thats just uncalled for from her if you ask me.
Its time to put your foot down or it will be like this for the rest of your life... do you really want it to be that way? Do you really want to live like this? A lesson needs to be learned here and its not you that needs the learning.

No, I don't want it to be this way but her mother always gets in the middle of things. This time I told them to call the mechanic and pay him to finish it because I am done. I need that child to finish the next two years of college and move far far far away from me. I am done just so done. I had a really nice mobile home with a step up bedroom and a sunken bathroom that I had totally remodled and gave it to her free of charge just to get her out of my house. She only has to pay gas and electric because we own the property. I would have kicked her a$$ to the curb but it would have cost me a divorce.
I can relate to your daughter issues. My wife and I have custody of 2 of her kids (9 mths and 5 yrs) She is my step daughter and has been playing her games for years. She just turned 25 last week and acts like a 15 yr old. Telling stories and lying to make herself look good. I recently got her a nice smooth top electric stove and she promised me she would have her boyfriend get me two used front tires for my Van in exchange. Well she got the stove last week (I could have easily sold it for $300.00) and have been waiting on the tires. So this past weekend she had the tires dropped off at my house. I went to put them on the Van today. Tires are all dryrotted on the sidewalls and basically no good. Ended up buying two new tires. Sometimes I just want to strangle her for all she does to my wife and myself. I feel your pain man. Sorry to hear of your health issues, You are not alone. I suffer with pain every day and night and keep working like a dog to just live day to day. I am not getting rich but I am still blessed to be working steady. Best of luck to you and I agree with the previous posters, Push her damn car out into the street and tell her she has one hour to get it or it will be towed to the scrap yard.