I am to old for this!!

....setting in front of the tool shop. Those are tools you went after. Now that we have that straight ....i hate....to be the bearer.....of bad news.....It's SNOWING like a ***** here right now and the forcast is for 1"-5" before it's done. What's it suppose to do down on you Mike? Man. Thursday evening after work i stopped by the Urgent Care Clinic and saw the Doc as i had a fever and a very sore throat and achy muscles. They checked me for streep but was negative. Got some good antibiotics so i'm on the mend. I laid in bed yesterday till 3 pm and i don't ever do that. Had to get up and do payroll for the guys. I would lay in bed and the sweat would just roll off of me. I feel a little better today so i thought i better check in. Got guys interested in my cars but wasn't feeling too chipper so bear with me guys and we'll get pics to ya. Pics don't do too good inside even though i have lights. Snowing now so i won't be pulling em outside till this next week when it's suppose to be in the 70's. Are you getting snow Mike?
....setting in front of the tool shop. Those are tools you went after. Now that we have that straight ....i hate....to be the bearer.....of bad news.....It's SNOWING like a ***** here right now and the forcast is for 1"-5" before it's done. What's it suppose to do down on you Mike? Man. Thursday evening after work i stopped by the Urgent Care Clinic and saw the Doc as i had a fever and a very sore through and achy muscles. They checked me for streep but was negative. Got some good antibiotics so i'm on the mend. I laid in bed yesterday till 3 pm and i don't ever do that. Had to get up and do payroll for the guys. I would lay in bed and the sweat would just roll off of me. I feel a little better today so i thought i better check in. Got guys interested in my cars but wasn't feeling too chipper so bear with me guys and we'll get pics to ya. Pics don't do too good inside even though i have lights. Snowing now so i won't be pulling em outside till this next week when it's suppose to be in the 70's. Are you getting snow Mike?
It started snowing about ten minutes ago and has quit know.
Looking at the radar you are getting a good snow, If there is such a thing:-D
Set back and relax and have a couple glasses of water.
I did not know you was sick with a bug, How is your back doing.
Yeah it snowed about 4 inches here, south of KC this morning. Hang in on quitting smoking I believe I'm in my fourth week of quitting still tough, gained about 10 pounds eating junk, but I can breathe better.
Yeah it snowed about 4 inches here, south of KC this morning. Hang in on quitting smoking I believe I'm in my fourth week of quitting still tough, gained about 10 pounds eating junk, but I can breathe better.
I sure am junkaholic, Starting tomorrow they go up 1 dolor a pack.
I am one step closer and doing good today, Had one or two after breakfast and coffee and had to go brush my teeth again, nasty :angry7:

Thanks, and welcome to this great site if I missed you in the welcome thread.
Move to the city MEMIKE its a hole new ball game.Smog,traffic jams,pushy people,O lots of pretty girlssssssssssssss.Got ya thinken now buddy.
Move to the city MEMIKE its a hole new ball game.Smog,traffic jams,pushy people,O lots of pretty girlssssssssssssss.Got ya thinken now buddy.

It sure douse :cheers: I am glad to be here :-D
I have not lived in town for over 26 years, and I ain't going back :cheers:
The only jams I want to be a part of is on my toast or on my drums :-D

It just started snowing here again.:-D
Its snowing know Bill :cheers:

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It's about 6" out side and still coming down. Total bunch of bullcrap for a guy that hasn't owned a snowmobile in 25 yrs. I loved that stuff. Started riding motocross on Maicos and Bultacos in California then moved to Alaska and took up snowmobiles. I told the wife this morning that i felt i would have made a really good island bum. You know, short pants, loose fitting shirt and flip flops, and maybe a cold beer or margarita or two or three or fou................ah I can hear the music now and i want you to look at that unit headed up the beach with nothi...........O.K. i'm back. Man i came back before i got to see the whole picture. I guess it's been a looooong winter. Still snowing. Did i mention i like to set on the park bench at Wal Mart on a hot summer day?
Yep Wal Mart babe look out

Dang 6 " of snow already

Here is what it looks like here know Bill.
Don't you have a big a$$ 4 wheeler ?

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Still snowing here Bill, :-D
I guess I should have shut the windows on Victoria's nest.:angry7:

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Treva has the outside light on and stew on the stove =P~ Pretty =P~
With tomorrow's high at 37 and sun shine and back up to almost 70 by Friday it wont be here long, It was good to get some nitrogen in the ground.
It will be very bad here and there tonight for driving, Low of 27F.
It sure is better then ice everywhere :toothy10:
Woke up this morning and look at all that snow.

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Woke up this morning and look at all that snow.

Yeah, that gravel/sand gets slick when it dries out. Good to hear you stopped in time.

Vicky's canvas nest sure has taken a beating so far and is still working good! :cheers: Must be all in the set-up. :yawinkle:
Yeah, right.


True It was my first pack and I still have them.
I think there is about 12 still in the pack. Give me a few days and I will be a non smoker.:cheers:

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You are so right OldVart:cheers: It did feel good to see :happy10:

the side that needs more wind fall pick up, then the side that I got dun
Slowly but sheerly :-D

I can't say enough about Victoria's nest, It made it through the ice storm and this snow. :-D

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At least in Arkansas the snow won't last too awful long.

I hope to be able to drive Prince Valiant in about a month.

Hopefully we will have gotten some rain to wash the rock salt off the roads.
At least in Arkansas the snow won't last too awful long.

I hope to be able to drive Prince Valiant in about a month.

Hopefully we will have gotten some rain to wash the rock salt off the roads.

I hope so to, Your white Valiant Signet sure is a nize MoPar =P~
Well Mike, we're getting hit here today also. The snow started at 0900 hrs this morning, and right now it's 1307 hrs and we have over 10" of newly fallen snow already. On the bright side, it supposed to slack off about midnight tonight. The Labs are lovin' it, but mamma isn't as happy since she has to go to work in and hour and a half and has 12 miles to drive each way. That's the main reason we always drive Jeeps - stand back, Jeep comin' through. :)
Well Mike, we're getting hit here today also. The snow started at 0900 hrs this morning, and right now it's 1307 hrs and we have over 10" of newly fallen snow already. On the bright side, it supposed to slack off about midnight tonight. The Labs are lovin' it, but mamma isn't as happy since she has to go to work in and hour and a half and has 12 miles to drive each way. That's the main reason we always drive Jeeps - stand back, Jeep comin' through. :)

Its 1430 hrs here and they are calling for 70+F this weekend.
I sure do miss Treva's Jeep :angry7: The passport don't have sure grip and
it don't get around half as good. To day's diet oat meal then a V8 drink with
an apple, I am ready for a Moose burger :-D smoked 5 cigarettes already today.