I Don't Have To Go Topless Anymore!



The parts you don't add don't cause you no trouble
FABO Gold Member
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Northern Colorado
Got my dart back from the top installer today.

What an ordeal, but the end result is wonderfull.

Looks nice and wrinkle free. How are your seals working. I have to roll my windows up after the top is up & latched, so they seals work better. Does your car have that issue?

This kind of work is beyond my capabilities, and I had to pay to have mine installed too. How much was the install?
Looks nice and wrinkle free. How are your seals working
Not as good as I would have liked. The front header sesl to A Piller seal (windshield) has a huge gap at the joint between them. A Piller is from 67 so that might be part of the issue.

No problem with glass to weatherstripping, I seem to recall that you are supposed to roll all windows down a tad put top up then roll windows up.

I even fixed my driver's side glass top alignment by replacing the wind wing plastic slides, and adjusting the frame a tad
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Looks nice, they did a good job
I'm a bit of a perfectionist and see every little flaw. But now I know what NOT to do if I do it again. I'll do a post on the adventure in the weeks to come.

No one noticed the rear glass and how it follows the body line....

Top company made custom curtain with my oe glass! Not much more expensive than their standard glass.

It can be done!