I don't know what a secret Santa is but....



Realist - Free Thinker
Jul 25, 2009
Reaction score
southern Oregon
Now this is probably way off topic as I have only been here on this site since July, that's almost 4 months but what I would like to know is if persons are going to send money somewhere for this secret Santa thingie, wouldn't a good place to start be here to this site. Having the opportunity of supporting something we all seem to be part of seems to me like a win win situation and when persons need a section for say J, F or M vehicles of which I have been reading about here, the monies from its members could make it a lot easier for whoever runs this site to accomplish this task. I for one sent in I think 35 bucks for my membership and probably haven't used one thing associated with it cause I believe I look at things in a different perspective.

If I am out of bounds please inform me here and now. I ask this because for the length of time I have been here, my posts and replies have been a little controversial to say the least as I am a little different to some then most.

You see I love vehicles, all kinds and have had and still have all kinds and I appreciate those persons who give persons like myself the opportunity to express myself as well as ask and answer questions to which I associate with, so when I found this site so to speak, my natural instincts were to support it even though money at this time isn't always in my pocket but I knew I had to make this happen and pay my way.

That's all I have to say, except chevy's rule, oops I mean Mercede's oh I so mean MOPAR
Secret Santa is just a way for you to receive some little Mopar related trinket sent to you around Christmas. We used to do it at work. I didn't participate in it there either, but to each his own.

I agree more people should become Gold Members and support this site!!