I find out tomorrow if its bad

Prayers for a good report tomorrow
Prayers sent. Good luck and hope the news is all good.....
Prayers sent! All the test's suck, but finding out the deal will be good. You'll get thru it and if they find something, it'll get fixed:thumblef:.
Good luck BD! Hopefully it's something they can handle quick and painlessly.
I've been sick for the last month and a half.I had a sonogram Friday of my gut and it looked like a cyst at the top of my stomach and a spot on my pancreas.Since I'm not a doc it is a guess and the tec was not allowed to tell me.Tomorrow i get it from both ends.I'm scared as I'm a virgin lol,so if I don't make it I just wanna say this is the Best Mopar site and God Bless all of you!
Praying for you bud
They took sum biopsy's and said I have a little hernia and my gull bladder is full of stones.My kiester is ok no pullups.I have to wait for a surgeon to call to set up the gut cut.I'm a little sore-er in the gut but had no problems cept for I'm dehydrated and they had a hard time finding a vein.Thank you for all the prayers.I was scared but it went good.My mom woke up a few times during surgery(couldn't move to tell them) and it scared me.Thanks again to my fabo family
We are glad you are ok but you are still in my prayers
Gall Stones suck, worst thing I have gone through pain wise. Surgery is in and out back at it in a few days. Get well soon!
I paid cash

750 for the doc
100 to the anesthesiologist
1389 to the outpatient clinic
180 for the sonogram

Wounder how much to get my gull bladder taken out.
Thats gonna eat up my money to get an a body I was lookin at the Blue one with a 408 in the classified's
Not going to be cheap. I live in WA, and I want to say the bill was either 13K or 18K. I was double covered. But the Gall bladder will be gone and you can eat like you want again.
They took sum biopsy's and said I have a little hernia and my gull bladder is full of stones.My kiester is ok no pullups.I have to wait for a surgeon to call to set up the gut cut.I'm a little sore-er in the gut but had no problems cept for I'm dehydrated and they had a hard time finding a vein.Thank you for all the prayers.I was scared but it went good.My mom woke up a few times during surgery(couldn't move to tell them) and it scared me.Thanks again to my fabo family

I just saw this thread. Prayers sent for a quick recovery from the gall bladder surgery. I had mine removed laparoscopically and it was a breeze comparing to a big open incision. Can they remove yours laparoscopically?
I just saw this thread. Prayers sent for a quick recovery from the gall bladder surgery. I had mine removed laparoscopically and it was a breeze comparing to a big open incision. Can they remove yours laparoscopically?

Our daughter had that surgery also when she was 39yrs. Went great and 6yrs later, still eats what every she wants. Prayers continue for a good removal and quick recovery:thumblef:.
Getting the gall bladder taken out is not a big deal. Wife had it done several years ago. That little bastard can cause all kinds of goofy a** troubles........