I shoveled some of my roof off.


Coyote Jack

Member #55, I'm old
FABO Gold Member
May 22, 2004
Reaction score
Baxters Corner N.B. Canad
I went up on the roof today and shoveled the worst of the snow off. To say the least, it was deep. The remaining snow is less than 3 ft. deep so I left it for now. The hardest part was clearing the front walkway after getting the snow off the roof.

Before and after pics.



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should of brought the snowblower up there. Now that would of been a sight!
Holy mother of god!! Thats a $hitload of snow. Take yer toboggan up next time....and the camera!
should of brought the snowblower up there. Now that would of been a sight!
We hoisted two big walk behind snow blower up on the roofs at work this past week.
You have quite a collection up there. Good idea to get it off the roof. That's a butt-load of weight. I have a flat roof over the center 1/3 of my livingroom. I have to shovel up there too. Happy Winter! toolman
if you had 1 of those light weight 2 stroke snow throwers with the rubber blades that would work great and if you fell atleast you wouldnt get hurt. last year i came off my 2nd story roof down threw my aluminum end table and chairs and tore them up and had a bruise that was all kinds of colors in a rainbow down my whole side, glad i didnt hit my head , you can only take so many hits there before lights out.
Talk about banging your head against a wall. I just found out we are supposed to get another foot of the crap tonight and tomorrow with, you guessed it, high winds.

You don't have one of those canvas drag line deals ? they're perfect for single story homes
,no climbing = no falling , take it from a former roofer falling no fun lol
That's a bad as Edmonton, Alberta. LOL nothing like Canada eh!
Good flippin Eh!..........Holey white crap batman...........Sorry...but better there then here.......LOL..Take care and hope it all goes soon.
Good lord. Cant you just shoot some mortars up there to cause a controlled avalanche like they do on Ice Road Truckers!
Holy Cow Jack! I am almost speech less. That is a ton of snow! I wish you the best , and i am SURE you are like myself and looking forward to SPRING!
That's a lotta flippin snow.
We got our fair share of the white stuff here too. I'm more worried about the spring flood though as our neighbors to the south got a **** load as well and it all flows down hill (so to speak)!!
Wow!!!!!!!! There is more up there then I thought there was Jack
I am glad the building codes are deferent up there :read2:, There are homes here that would not hold up to that much snow........
You take care up there, and for goodness sakes get a young gun up there that is smart enough to deal with it , or at least help if you can in :clock: before the next blast of snow hit's you .
I am glad you are experienced at this. 8)
Wheres all the kids in the neighborhood with their snow shovels looking to make extra $$$ when you need them??? Although with that much snow, you probably couldn't afford them!!! I was up shoveling my roof off a couple days ago for the satellite install we just got to upgrade from dialup!!! If I had as much snow as you have, I'd have probably waited till spring!! Take it easy up there please, we can't have you fallin' or over exerting yourself either!!! Geof
Last nights storm gave us another 5 inches of heavy wet snow and it also rained for a few hours. This latest batch is the worst heart attack snow I have seen in years. Sure am glad I got the real deep stuff off of the roof yesterday.

I live way out in the sticks so there aren't very many kids with shovels if any. Most kids nowadays don't want to get away from the video games anyway.

All is good and I am just waiting for the SuperBowl to start.

I live way out in the sticks so there aren't very many kids with shovels if any. Most kids nowadays don't want to get away from the video games anyway.

All is good and I am just waiting for the SuperBowl to start.

Same here Jack, It's a site for sore eyes to see children outside playing or doing chores here.
Take care and enjoy a warm night inside :happy10: Have your self a hot todie and rest them bones sir 8)
drive around and look for a snow man.

I think finding a reindeer eating out of the palm of your hand is easier these days. Parents buy all these kids these video games and then complain the kids only sit in front of the tv all day.