ICE Brand Ignition Systems



Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2015
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Hi All,
Own a 340 71 Dodge Demon & looking at putting an "ICE Brand Ignition Kit". I live in Melbourne Aust. where here they make them. Heard lots of good stories about them until I spoke to mate here who put one on his Aussie 318 Charger. Has an intermittent fault that causes him grief. After any opinions of you guys that have them on your cars. Heard MSD systems aren't as good as they used to be & what are the alternatives. Or simply is the factory setup find so don't bother? Also was there any independent tests done on these systems.
I'm not familiar with ICE, but Crane and FAST are two more worth looking into.
Do a search for "Shrinker" (screen name for Bruce Robertson) and ICE ignition at Speedtalk and Motorsports Village forums. Most of what he talks about was for race engines, so you'll have to pull the info that applies to your setup.

Get the timing curve right and there's not much to be gained in ignition. Multi-strikes are nice with a CD, long durations are nice with am inductive - just different ways to get the kernal burning good enough to drive the rest of the burn. Once its burning, what's the extra spark energy doing? Exactly? Nothing but ringing back. So depending on the details and how good engine is, fuel etc, sometimes there's nothing gained by an ignition change and other times there is a little.
????WHAT????? You mean that FORTY HORSE GAIN claimed by "somebody around here" DOESN'T EXIST???
I like Mallory. sort of the AFB of the CD ignitions...they just work. I dont like MSD...but no super ignition is going to wake up a stock motor.