Im Done

I myself can feel your pain. Been messed over by Family, Friends and a couple members on this site........... Part of life I guess, unless you live like a introvert, it happens to everyone at some point in their life. Sucks but it does.
Well ya i guess it do

Been there, done that, it really hurts. Consider it a small price to pay to learn the truth about this low-life. This is one of the oldest stories in the world. There are good people out there to be friends with, now you will have more time for them.
Ya im going to move on i guess

this is my belief and keeps me going each day,,sd426:cheers:DON'T TRUST ME LOL
Also remember the saying 'fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.' Don't let him back into your life with a sob story, people like that are master manipulators.
DD, If I had all the money I have been screwed out in my life of I could buy a new loaded Dodge Quad Cab diesel. If they are a pain in the arse I sue them just to be a pain in their arse but 99% of the time I just write it off. I learn my lesson with that person and NEVER repeat it with them. I have had so many good things to happen in my life that I figure out that God is just paying their bill.
DD sorry to hear, hopefully he realizes his wrongs and makes them right. You got wronged by doing something right, nothing wrong with that. He will get what is coming to him.
Hey Doc Sorry to hear about that.... When times get hard, thats when you find out who your real friends are. Everyone goes thru it in different situations at different points in their lives but that's how you weed out the bad friends from the good ones. It's unfortunate but happens... Don't worry, in the end CARMA will come back to bite him. If he reads the posts and still don't apologize and pay you back you can always help CARMA along and share his user name so he won't be able to sell or try and scam anyone else.

Hey Doc, don't let this change who you are. Just be more cautious on who you help and how much you give them. Don't stoop to his level. Let people know what he did and who he is so they do not have this happen to them and also the more people that know, the less people that will help him.

People like him need "victims" to take advantage of to survive, Once the word gets out, he will not get the help he needs and will be forced to go somewhere else (hopefully far far away). Like the old saying goes, "Your past/reputation will catch up with you".
Wow, sheesh, sorry DD. I will say a prayer for this individual....the power of God helping such person to realize their folly can work wonders and is not a very good feeling ;) One day, the same will happen to him.
A number of years ago my older sister needed some cash($170) to "pay her bills." She took the money and went and got a black and purple scorpion tattoo on the back of her shoulder!! I only saw $70 of it back, but wrote it off cuz she's my sister. I continue to show her the love of Christ with no judgement at all. I just don't loan her no money. LOL.
I believe God will come through for you whether if it's now or some time down the road.
Also remember the saying 'fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.' Don't let him back into your life with a sob story, people like that are master manipulators.
That what my dad told me

DD, If I had all the money I have been screwed out in my life of I could buy a new loaded Dodge Quad Cab diesel. If they are a pain in the arse I sue them just to be a pain in their arse but 99% of the time I just write it off. I learn my lesson with that person and NEVER repeat it with them. I have had so many good things to happen in my life that I figure out that God is just paying their bill.
God will see me though this

DD sorry to hear, hopefully he realizes his wrongs and makes them right. You got wronged by doing something right, nothing wrong with that. He will get what is coming to him.
Well what i dont get is hes never done me cross tell this time
I got burned back in college, helped out this couple with food and free beer who were living with us at a house off campus. The dude was a great talker-sales guy, like many good con guys. He was doing marketing while we were all in auto shop classes. Long story short we came in to good money and were spiting the profits, i got the goodies and he sold them to his classmates. Expect then he got greedy one time--on a big haul- and before even that he would not share his food/beer with the 4 of us. Comes back home with a Small pizza and 2 large beers for him and his gal--who just free loaf in the house, she didn't go to school, just smoked and watched MTV most the time.

Pissed us all off and we had to give their butts 30 day noticed to evict. He had over $1000 in his pocket when he left and got like free rent for 2 1/2 months and food etc...he paid rent yeah but out of the easy money he earn and still was over a grand richer then when he moved in.

We all did OK I guess but he did better than he should had by lying and acting so cheap and that gal of his got stale after awhile. Hated living with them for least 2 full weeks..never again have I been too trustful.

That was in the winter, came spring on last few days before gradation and mostly last night those other roommates who stayed wreck the place--oh and this one little car of my roommates my 77 Gran Fury rip both doors off and we was getting ready to smash the rear but police came by--we ran inside and locked the door, cops tried to open it and then called the landlord, he asked if anybody is hurt, cops said no, he said its 2am, call me back at 9 and hung-up--what his wife told us--all I know is cops left after 45 mins, lol..we killed all the lights and went to bed soon as we ran inside

Turns out neighbors down the block called them cause of all the noise--heck we got away with so much its crazy, today we all would had been gone, back then it wasn't that big of a deal, was our cars in the backyard having a mini demolition derby--while drunk--today that be assault with a weapon or something you play video games
There's a movie called The Bronx Tale. It's about a young Italian growing up in New York. One guy in the movie loans another guy (played by Joe Peschi) like $40. Through the movie he keeps asking the guy for the money back and the Joe Peschi guy keep avoiding him and running by every time he sees him.

Then another guy points out, "Hey $40 is worth it to not have to see and deal with that guy ever again." Now that he owes you $40, he can't come around and borrow more money from you ever again. That alone is worth the $40...

Now this guy can't come around and ask you and your family for anything again.
Sorry to hear this Doc. I know where your coming from. I've been burned before too. It's upsetting but you just gotta step back, take a breath and let it go.
Sorry to hear about what happened. I know exactly what you mean by D.T.A. I've been ripped off for thousands by people that I consider my second "family". I end up going without so others don't have to. And in the end they make no effort to pay me back and always have an excuse. So, yeah, I hear you.

But honestly don't let your heart get hardened by these low-life pieces of crap. You've got a big heart for a young guy. Just keep on being you. Don't let them get the better of you. You just need to look after yourself and your family first. In time you'll get better at weeding out the "players".

Hang in there DD.

Wow, sheesh, sorry DD. I will say a prayer for this individual....the power of God helping such person to realize their folly can work wonders and is not a very good feeling ;) One day, the same will happen to him.
A number of years ago my older sister needed some cash($170) to "pay her bills." She took the money and went and got a black and purple scorpion tattoo on the back of her shoulder!! I only saw $70 of it back, but wrote it off cuz she's my sister. I continue to show her the love of Christ with no judgement at all. I just don't loan her no money. LOL.
I believe God will come through for you whether if it's now or some time down the road.
Well i treated him like famliy and to just split with out saying a word that what really herts

Hey Doc, don't let this change who you are. Just be more cautious on who you help and how much you give them. Don't stoop to his level. Let people know what he did and who he is so they do not have this happen to them and also the more people that know, the less people that will help him.
People like him need "victims" to take advantage of to survive, Once the word gets out, he will not get the help he needs and will be forced to go somewhere else (hopefully far far away). Like the old saying goes, "Your past/reputation will catch up with you".
Man its not going to change how i am .. You are one of them friends that are good .. he took off with 60 bucks of mine and 900 of my mom and dads in back rent from when they let him off to pay for his truck i will post his name if he dont came back but i know hes not comeing back he changed his phone number

Hey Doc Sorry to hear about that.... When times get hard, thats when you find out who your real friends are. Everyone goes thru it in different situations at different points in their lives but that's how you weed out the bad friends from the good ones. It's unfortunate but happens... Don't worry, in the end CARMA will come back to bite him. If he reads the posts and still don't apologize and pay you back you can always help CARMA along and share his user name so he won't be able to sell or try and scam anyone else.

Well he had my back tell this time i woned what changed in his head
It could be just about anything. People have been known to snap suddenly under pressure. Depends on his situation and mental state. Strange things small or large can set someone off in a split second and only he will know what's going on inside his mind....
There's a movie called The Bronx Tale. It's about a young Italian growing up in New York. One guy in the movie loans another guy (played by Joe Peschi) like $40. Through the movie he keeps asking the guy for the money back and the Joe Peschi guy keep avoiding him and running by every time he sees him.

Then another guy points out, "Hey $40 is worth it to not have to see and deal with that guy ever again." Now that he owes you $40, he can't come around and borrow more money from you ever again. That alone is worth the $40...

Now this guy can't come around and ask you and your family for anything again.

In other words, I paid you to leave... I like it LOL
I got burned back in college, helped out this couple with food and free beer who were living with us at a house off campus. The dude was a great talker-sales guy, like many good con guys. He was doing marketing while we were all in auto shop classes. Long story short we came in to good money and were spiting the profits, i got the goodies and he sold them to his classmates. Expect then he got greedy one time--on a big haul- and before even that he would not share his food/beer with the 4 of us. Comes back home with a Small pizza and 2 large beers for him and his gal--who just free loaf in the house, she didn't go to school, just smoked and watched MTV most the time.

Pissed us all off and we had to give their butts 30 day noticed to evict. He had over $1000 in his pocket when he left and got like free rent for 2 1/2 months and food etc...he paid rent yeah but out of the easy money he earn and still was over a grand richer then when he moved in.

We all did OK I guess but he did better than he should had by lying and acting so cheap and that gal of his got stale after awhile. Hated living with them for least 2 full weeks..never again have I been too trustful.

That was in the winter, came spring on last few days before gradation and mostly last night those other roommates who stayed wreck the place--oh and this one little car of my roommates my 77 Gran Fury rip both doors off and we was getting ready to smash the rear but police came by--we ran inside and locked the door, cops tried to open it and then called the landlord, he asked if anybody is hurt, cops said no, he said its 2am, call me back at 9 and hung-up--what his wife told us--all I know is cops left after 45 mins, lol..we killed all the lights and went to bed soon as we ran inside

Turns out neighbors down the block called them cause of all the noise--heck we got away with so much its crazy, today we all would had been gone, back then it wasn't that big of a deal, was our cars in the backyard having a mini demolition derby--while drunk--today that be assault with a weapon or something you play video games
Well thats a hell of a story but like i said hes been my friend for 9 ish years and then just to do this im in shock

There's a movie called The Bronx Tale. It's about a young Italian growing up in New York. One guy in the movie loans another guy (played by Joe Peschi) like $40. Through the movie he keeps asking the guy for the money back and the Joe Peschi guy keep avoiding him and running by every time he sees him.

Then another guy points out, "Hey $40 is worth it to not have to see and deal with that guy ever again." Now that he owes you $40, he can't come around and borrow more money from you ever again. That alone is worth the $40...

Now this guy can't come around and ask you and your family for anything again.
Thats a thinker

Sorry to hear this Doc. I know where your coming from. I've been burned before too. It's upsetting but you just gotta step back, take a breath and let it go.
Well im trying to

Sorry to hear about what happened. I know exactly what you mean by D.T.A. I've been ripped off for thousands by people that I consider my second "family". I end up going without so others don't have to. And in the end they make no effort to pay me back and always have an excuse. So, yeah, I hear you.

But honestly don't let your heart get hardened by these low-life pieces of crap. You've got a big heart for a young guy. Just keep on being you. Don't let them get the better of you. You just need to look after yourself and your family first. In time you'll get better at weeding out the "players".

Hang in there DD.

Man its ahrd not to get hardened by it but hay. at least i know who i can and cant trust now

It could be just about anything. People have been known to snap suddenly under pressure. Depends on his situation and mental state. Strange things small or large can set someone off in a split second and only he will know what's going on inside his mind....
Well i was thing it was all ok tell i woke up this morning

In other words, I paid you to leave... I like it LOL
LOL I guess thats the point
In other words, I paid you to leave... I like it LOL

I like that "I paid you to leave" comment. It then can be turned into he is a *****...

In the movie 4 brothers when the lead bad guy is ranting about "out of town shooters" he says, "You don't pay a hooker to stay, you pay her to leave..."

I love that saying...
Doc........I dont kniow you but i have seen alot of threads and posts. You sound like a awsome person. Sorry to hear all this. It sucks but happens alot. Remember one important thing.........What goes around..comes around. Your the great person and always will be.. Not him. Continue on being the guy you are. Dont let him change anything. As for getting back at him...........ITS NOT WORTH IT............JM2CW......All the best Doc. Edd/Nite Moves
DD - it doesn't just happen over your side of the world.I've been screwed over for 5 figure sums quite a few times in my lifetime.
I'm more than twice your age but i see two things that come out of these situations.
1. These incidents unfortuneatly turn you into a harder and more suspicious person.Sometimes not the sort of person you like to see yourself as.I like to help people (and have the means to do so)but nowadays I will always hang back and only offer help to those I can see who are really trying to make a real effort to solve their own problems.

2.These scumbags,thieves,users,parasites,whatever you want to call them.Have a good look at those you know that fit the criteria.What have they got and where are they going?For all their scheming,thieving,manipulating ways 99% of the time they have very little.I always console myself knowing they are nobodys going nowhere real quick.And some of the scumbags i have heard of over the years have proved me right.
Live by this. Alot of friends will come and go. But family is forever. So family are your true and lasting friends. That is besides God.
I am disabled.....really not supposed to be doing some of the things I do....but I push myself. Too much according to my doc. I've helped several people out over the last few years and every single one of them (with one exception) has bitten me in the ***. Free labor, free parts, free shop time, you name it. One excuse after another about payment......I guess the bottom line is, if you extend your hand to help someone, be prepared to have it bitten off. Sometimes even by those you considered friends.
I'm fixes to be 46 and finally learned not to help out any more.I have 4275 loaned out when people whom I thought was my friends were looking their ***.Now they go to the horse races,get tats,buy hot rods,mud trucks instead of paying me back.I was brought up to always pay your friends back first before anything.Being severely upset they will get what they got comming to them and I hope I'm there to see it.
You all did what needed to be done to help. You gave freely of your time, money, or resources-a very honorable thing to do, especially if things are tight. But, I've found out it's a CHOICE you make. Give and don't expect a return, or don't give it in the first place. Saves heartache and anger-none of which does you any good. I've found it does come back to you when you least expect it, and need it the most.
You all did what needed to be done to help. You gave freely of your time, money, or resources-a very honorable thing to do, especially if things are tight. But, I've found out it's a CHOICE you make. Give and don't expect a return, or don't give it in the first place. Saves heartache and anger-none of which does you any good. I've found it does come back to you when you least expect it, and need it the most.

Wise words.
There are a whole bunch of people like this occupying wall-street and other places right now.
It is the entitlement generation.