i'm happy as a ___________


bOb shingler

Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2007
Reaction score
warrenton, north carolina
any way i had to use my on-board fire extinguisher last season and it was going to cost $600+ to refill it. so being a bucks down kind of guy i waited and waited to see what was on e-bay. well this one came on and i won it for $66 + $25 to ship, it's brand new in the box. it needs a discharge head for $62 including shipping and it's already on the way here. BUT when i check the new 10lbs bottle price it was a whopping $495+shipping. so i'm as happy as a __________, fill it in.


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A duck on a June Bug :D congrat's :cheers:
As a guy who just found out about harbor freight car fire extinguishers for $15. :banghead:
A Clam ? I dunno.......I have heard that one , but I don't know what the clams have to be so happy about.
Happy as a pig in **** works , if you can get past the vulgar overtones.
Happy as George Zimmerman ? O.K. , we don't need to go there.
The harbor freight fire extinguisher works for show and tell , but if you have to put out an actual fire you will require some divine intervention to successfully do this.
Happy as Liberace before he had ever heard of that virus ?
I had no idea that fire suppression systems were so expensive to have refilled.
Did you go outside the automotive world and check with a commercial fire extinguisher supply house. We have a couple close to me and I bet they use similar stuff for computer rooms and etc. Might be worth a look.
Next time just contact a local extinguisher service company. You can get them refilled for around 50-60 bucks.
glad you got it bob racing is soon in in the plans...lol now time for some racing :D:D:D
Next time just contact a local extinguisher service company. You can get them refilled for around 50-60 bucks.

yes i did. the extinguisher was a 20lbs "safecraft" and had halon #1301 in it and they wanted the $600+ to refill it. the local companies don't deal with that chemical but one did down in raleigh but it was still $500+ the ride. i checked all the locals. plus you can't put any other chemical in them because it had something to do with the way the head is made. you don't want a foam chemical because it has to be washed off right away or you will be scapping it off of your motor when it dries. i wanted at least a 10lbs bottle because i use alcohol fuel with the tank in front of the radiator core support and the motor and hotrod demon is not going to be replaced if it burns down. i have way to much money invested in all of it to do it again. the fire i had the extinguisher put it out before the track crew got to the car. the only damage was soot on the #1 plug wire and header pipe.

Interesting read here.
Dupont FE 13 might be the replacement , but the Halon 1301 is no longer manufactured and everything for sale is recycled , so that window will eventually close.
I don't blame you for wanting what you know works Bob. And I hope this bottle lasts the rest of your days. But I wonder what the next latest and greatest is gonna be for automotive fire suppression systems.
i've always wondered way you couldn't use straight nitrogen. the atmosphere is composed of almost 80% of it and it is what keeps the atmosphere stable, keeps fires from burming the world up. so if it's in the atmosphere for that reason why couldn't it be used to extinguish a fire like the chemicals do. after all it doesn't burn and should displace the oxygen and put out the fire and won't deplete the oszone.
oh my heads hurts from thinking.
probably because it could displace the oxygen you need to breath.?
probably because it could displace the oxygen you need to breath.?
thats actually what halon does, but its not that bad if its not in an enclosed room. i install fire sprinklers and the halon systems were replaced with a new product that wont kill the ozone as badly...lol. the smallest halon tank ive ever worked with was a 500 pounder, and they had 3 tied together. you dont want to accidentely trip that one and have to pay to refill it
Good score. I have had two of them go off in the last year, one accidentla the other unfortunately not. Cost me $644 to have both of them filled. Ridiculoous when you can buy a new bottle for not much more.