I'm so pissed.. Break in



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 7, 2005
Reaction score
Well... lets just say I'm f'ing ticked off to say the least.

I had a storage area that was broken into during the last 3 days. The bastard tweekers stole anything that was iron/aluminum and not bolted down. So far what I know that I've lost is the following:

3 sets of X heads
3 sets of J heads
2 sets of 587 73 340 heads
1 set of 302 heads
1 set of 308 heads
4 68-70 340 intakes
3 LD340's
2 sets of 68-70 340 exhaust manifolds
1 Disk conversion and a bunch of disks
and a bunch of other crap.

I so want to do something very rash to the dickheads that stole my stuff. I may take a run over to the local scrappers to see if the stuff is there.
Good idea.

May want to set up a sting too and try to catch them with some nicely placed bait, a camera, and hell yeah, a baseball bat, screw the camera.

Nothing worse than getting ripped off, it's just that, it rips you to the core because you can't wait to get your hands on the bstrd's.
I would call up every scrapper in the area and let them know what was taken ASAP!

That sucks, I had my storage unit broken into when I had my 53 merc in it. They took a new pair of pollished Mopar performance finned aluminum valvecovers and the gauges for the welding tanks I had. the weird thing was that the gauges were all busted I just haden't thrown them away, they left the tanks, the brand new dodge truck radiator, the eddy intake for the 400 that was sitting in there and all the custom parts for my truck. Fu%$in crackheads.
Damn man, I'm sorry. That truly sucks. Does the storage yard have a camera installed, or was the stuff in just a rented garage? Maybe they can pull the tapes.

I noticed that responded to help someone on a seatbelt question 5 minutes after you posted this. You're a good man, I'd still be bitter and withdraw for a while until I got it resolved.
Rob, these guys had to of known what they were looking for. Stay alert they may be back. Bust their hides if they resurface.

I agree with the notion of checking the scrappers. File a report with the policia and get a good alluminum baseball bat.

All of this so close to Spring Fling as well.

As a friend of mine says...."Fu$%&*g savages!!!"

Where are you located? So maybe we can spot some of your stuff at swaps/flea markets or maybe craigslist.
dang man sorry to hear that that is my biggest fear with the scrap prices going up the tweakers are gonna start stealing anything thats not bolted down. I live in a small town and we are starting to feel it here i cant imagine living back in St. Louis where i moved from 9 years ago or any other big city for that matter. hope you find your stuff Justin
File a report with the policia and get a good alluminum baseball bat.

maybe want to use a wood bat, no scrap price!

sorry, that does suck. 10 sets of heads!

I just heard on the radio the other day that the prostitutes that visit my neighbors got arrested for robbery. However i dont think that they would know what anything in the garage is, but the house i'm sure they would take stuff.
Sorry to hear that. And yes file a report with the police. We just had someone about a month ago take all the radiators we had at the shop.
All the scrap yards have been notified. I think we will see more theft now that the scrap prices are up
It has gotten so bad in this area , the companies won't take
your metal or cans without an I.D.
Sorry to hear this CB. The guys have a good suggestion of taking a list to all the scrapyards and letting them know. Hopefully in your area it's like here where you have to give your license number when you scrap because so much scrap is stolen.

Just a couple of months back a business that went belly up had there building for sale and when a potential buyer went to look at it they discovered someone had went in and ripped every bit of copper wire and plumbing out. This was a 100,000 sq. ft. building too. Must have taken them a few days unless they had one heck of a team and a few trucks to haul it all off. It's just getting nuts.
Nothing get my blood boiling more then a thief

Just ask my wife, I have the time and have been stolen from before.
I had a pair of foot prints "Two people" in the direction they leaved my old shop building and seen where they parked there car.
The police told me they had a good idea who they was.
two months later I got a 5 gallon bucket of hand tool back and my Makita buffer back. They said they are still on the streets and to keep my shop locked down. Pond shop had them.
This happened about 4 years ago and I like trip lines and a good dog.
That way I get a shot at them. sorry to here you lost so much good stuff.
I hope you get satisfaction.

Where does that punk Db15 live? Close enough to try this? Whoops,dont mean to throw gas on the fire!!
I would hire Monk the detective. Sorry, I couldn't resist. I had my house broken into years ago, and they pretty much cleaned me out. Thank god a witness came forward and pointed the police to the theifs (which lived next door to my property). I know the feeling you are going through.
Sorry for the lump in the stomach.

Besides the metal scrappers, keep an eye on craigslist.
There are very few things lower than a thief. Those responsible deserve what they've got coming.

I'm not sure which I'm pulling harder for: your things being recovered in usable condition or the punks being turned inside-out with a blunt object. Preferably both.
That is bad news Rob. Sorry to hear bout this crap. I hate when people nose around, you never know

I would hire Monk the detective. Sorry, I couldn't resist. I had my house broken into years ago, and they pretty much cleaned me out. Thank god a witness came forward and pointed the police to the theifs (which lived next door to my property). I know the feeling you are going through.

You make a very good point. Many times a thief is someone we know or at least think we know. Sad but true.

Had anyone new over in recent time who saw your collection?

Who knew you had that stuff?

Time to calm down and start thinking logically. You might catch the thieves this way.

Sounds like more than one person judging from the shear amount missing.
It was a very random act as more than just my place got hit.

As much as I dislike a certain member (ex-member) on this board, he had, nothing to do with it. Didn't happen at my home.

No luck with the scappers, of course, they aren't the greatest at doing that ID thing around here. When I've taken stuff over, they didn't care, throw it on the scale, drive the truck on/off the scale or whatever.
Where are you at?

If they try to sell this stuff on the net it might be nice to have the FABO community policing the parts for sale out there.

I am sure there are a lot of people on this board that sift the web for parts and probably hundreds looking for a good price on small block heads (me for one). I would not want to buy a set of your stolen heads, so let me know what area you are from and if I see something out there that looks like it could be yours, I'll let you know.

Let's face it; if these guys have any clue they will realize the parts are worth far more than the scrap price they could get for them.
