in DESPRATE NEED! turn signal switch please

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Are you needing the turn signal relay switch small little box looking thing under the dash ?
time for a come to Jesus talk.
I enclose a photo of what I think you 'need'. If you had used a $100 camera to SHOW what you want, all the wishy washy replys would be avoided and someone could see what exactly you need might say, 'Oh I have that'. Also if you would invest in a parts manual on CD for $20 from the several vendors on Ebay you could look up give a concrete reference of what you need in Mopar lingo.
Look at section 8-50, the 61 and 62 pn is 2258700 and I suspect 63 is the same.
Yes, I have a few, because I've taken apart columns and saved the parts that I know fail., What I charge for on deals like this , is labor and storage.

time for a come to Jesus talk.

Glad to see someone is thinking about Jesus during the holidays!!

He stated right in the title of this thread that he needed a "turn signal switch please" Not a turn signal cam, not a turn signal relay, not a turn signal lever. It was crystal clear what he needed.
what might that be it wont be till around christmas then i get my unemployment check

If I had one I would ship it to you for free!!

chignikred...... maybe he doesn't have $120 to spend on trying to tell someone what he needs. I understand what he needs as well as others.

You will come to find here on FABO that we members care for one another and helping each other is what we do best. I am so lucky to be a member of FABO..... maybe one day you might feel the same!
Easy there big red. I agree with Brian on the Jesus issue and i also agree with 95 on his comment. Not sure where you've been hanging out but let me say welcome to a great helping site with a lot of people with big hearts and not big heads. Like i mentioned, this is a helping site not a hammering site. I really feel when you get the jest of this site you'll start to fit right in with all the other great folks that keep this site swingin. Again, HELP if ya can and leave that other crap at the place where you use to hang. There are a bunch of family that hangs here and you probably know how a tight family can be when one of our brothers get abused. Wanta join?
Small Block
63valiant, just read all this and have lost your address. PM contact info and I will see if I can pull one without it falling apart and send it to you. After all, 'tis the season.
Wow!! that was just plain out rude and un called for chignikred
I can not believe I did not see this last night :read2:
Why would you want to jump our member like that,
63VALIANT*KISS is a young gun here, I wish I could help him with this part.
But all I can do is root him on and help where I can
I think you got our drift so chill out on your self and take another look at your reply :angry7:

I have never seen a big headed self absorbed reply like that :angry7:
I dont get it. What he said wasnt that bad. Really some good advice if he had a few bucks. I wasnt sure what he needed. The jump on red posts were more pointed than anything he said. Before you point fingers look at yourselves.Not the fabo behaviour im used to.
DD, when I read it, it came off as rude to me then he wants to sell a part? There is no rule against being "short" with anyone but truthfully, would you buy anything from him?

This is a younger member who's fallen victim to the economy and can't afford a $100 camera and a $20 DVD and probably not a printer and print cartridges. People come here for help. If he could read and thoroughly understand an automotive electrical schematic, he probably wouldn't need our help. Relax.
all the wishy washy replys would be avoided, and telling him If you had used a $100 camera to SHOW what you want. = saying we must be stupid and I know I am not the sharpest knife more like a butter knife :-D
he sure hit a nerve and basically talking down to 63VALIANT*KISS

I get to defensive and it hurt to think our young gun had to read his post.
DD, when I read it, it came off as rude to me then he wants to sell a part? There is no rule against being "short" with anyone but truthfully, would you buy anything from him?

This is a younger member who's fallen victim to the economy and can't afford a $100 camera and a $20 DVD and probably not a printer and print cartridges. People come here for help. If he could read and thoroughly understand an automotive electrical schematic, he probably wouldn't need our help. Relax.

I took it as telling the guy exactly how to get what he wants and then showed him a pic to make sure he had it right. and maybe his price wouldnt have been much.Its hard to read intent thru a computer screen. Also he has no way of knowing the guys situation.If everyone wants to police the threads and dictate protocol with a pile on attitude maybe i,m on the wrong site.
thanks evreyone i would have taken a pic but evreything is still on my car gotta take it apart today. grump i will be sending u a pm thanks a ton.
well actually this has been a good thing not to good but ok. i figured out my tail light problem brake lights work tail dont so it looks like i need a new socket for the housing. i fixed temporaraly the turn signal switch problem till i get a new one i tightend the screw again and washed up all the copperput dielectric grease on the connections it works for now.
I am back from weekend festivities and it looks like a few chestnuts were roasting on the chat. Let me respond specifically and generally to the fury. I have noticed the Valiantkiss, kid from previous entries, and was well aware that he was new, young and inexperienced. I am not trying to crush him in any way, BUT without some pointed and direct reply, it doesn’t help a lost person.
Way too many posts seek a shortcut solution, and no learning ever occurs. Further complicating the initial questions are way too many, unthought out replies, outright wrong or guesses for answers. Surely almost, always written by posters that clearly haven’t taken apart enough cars to know the obvious difference.

I am low closure, and in this deal, yes I read that the cam was not the issue. From my experience in fact I’ve rarely seen the actual switch (i.e. contacts) be the problem, but more the plastic de-dents on the lower portion of the plastic piece. In that case one has to remove the whole unit. Big hassle, if you have ever done it. The ‘relay switch’ sic was a valid idea to change, but too bad wasn’t called properly as the “stat”.

The bigger picture here, is the process to fix the unknown, is called Troubleshooting. In fact my exact thought of the fix other than the switch was exactly what was figured out. Ground issues are very common. My posting of the photo was for Valiantkiss to describe to me, or anyone else, exactly compared to a fixed item. The vague descriptions are what leads the posts so far astray. For that reason also, I spent the 15 minutes to look up the parts book and dig up the part out of the basement to help add clarity to the discussion. Does this sound like what a rude person does? Memike and ramcharger ! A sale is not my goal here. I have sold a few items to fabo folks, and I know they were very well pleased by what I provided.
I will repeat my statement that everyone should get the parts book for their car, on a CD, and actually learn how to see interchanges. The factory service manual is worth every penny you spend. The engineers did things for a reason, it is best to learn their ‘mind’ before you dive into the dark on a component.
I’ve owned and worked on these for 29 years, and I consult the books still.
I spent the 15 minutes to look up the parts book and dig up the part out of the basement to help add clarity to the discussion. Does this sound like what a rude person does? Memike and ramcharger !

No that's not rude but telling someone they should had used a $100 camera, "time for a come to Jesus talk", "Also if you would invest in a parts manual on CD for $20" is rude. I really don't think he was needing lectured on how he should ask for help or advice. That's all we are trying to make you realize.
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