Inbox is full.....



Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
Reaction score
Manchester, MD
So I've noticed that most times if a member sees something they want to PM a member about and happens to find that member's inbox to be full, they rightfully mention in the thread "tried to pm you, but your inbox is full".

What I don't get, is why the the member with the full inbox will reply back to his thread "cleared it out, pm me now" ? If you're in there clearing out your inbox, why not send the member who tried to contact you a PM? Still mention in your thread that it's now clear so others will know, but show the inquiring member the respect of not having to try to reach out to you again. It just might wrap up your sale quicker.

Kinda like a missed call on your cell phone. How many of us see we missed a call and call the person back, as opposed to waiting for them to call you again?

Just a thought - we all have them.....
havent had that issue since i went gold
but, if i have a missed call from a unknown number and no voice mail, i wont call back
We're not telemarketers on a cell phone here. We all have an id, as opposed to an unknown number. And knowing you posted something for sale, you wouldn't be returning a reach out to an absolute unknown entity.