Indy Mecum looks like a bodies are on the rise

Mopar resurgence is most definately feeding this. It bodes well for our aftermarket. Broke asses buy fords or chevys. The mopar base is a good fan base to have this new generation of interest and money build on. And the a body is the market entry into classic mopar.

I sell cars everyday, and people want chargers and challengers, badly.

It is a good thing.
Both great posts! I have seen lots of a's in barns/ garages and the number one situation is"didn't think it would cost this much! Some people need to slow the"dreams" of 452-4 speed-Dana and a killer paint job using cheap or free parts. Reality is your friend.These auctions are not your enemy-you are your worst enemy. There are cars that have been stripped getting ready for "the build" that will sell for less than you gave for them. Help your buddy just to get an idea of your potential on his car.