Installed the 8-3/4" this weekend


'74 Sport

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2004
Reaction score
Troy, TX
Since Aaron is home from college for the summer, we are finally beginning to make some headway again on his Duster. This week, he has been finishing up the final touches on the B-body 8-3/4" we found a few months ago - basically, everything on it is new from brake hardware to axle bearings.

Yesterday, a thunderstorm held off long enough for us to get the rearend installed. I was told by several folks not to worry about the additional 1/2" of width on each side for the spring perches to line up. They were right, a little tugging and coaxing on the rear shackles and everything worked like a charm. If you knew to look for it, you could detect a slight tilt in the leaf springs, but nothing severe.

Ready to Install.JPG

8.75 Installed.JPG
Those tires look like good candidates for a burnout, don't they? Still have a few more things to finish to get it ready (like break-in the new 360).

Gettin' close,

Nice job on the rear end. Your son looks like he's putting in the work!

Surprised the haters haven't been in here to chide you about the 1/2" perch pull... LOL
Yes, Aaron has really put a lot of hard work into this project. His major drawback is that danged edumacation he insists on getting at Texas A&M. :read2: We both learned a tremendous amount about A-bodies when we built his first car, the '74 Dart Sport. He has done much of the work on this Duster without needing my help.

But, that's what it's all about, the young ones learning how to work on their own cars, instead of having to depend upon someone else to mess things up. We nearly laughed out loud the other day when we were buying some parts at Advance Auto. Aaron told the sales"lady" he needed a rear brake hose for his '74 Duster. She asked, "Is that a Dodge?" Close enough.

Aaron told the sales"lady" he needed a rear brake hose for his '74 Duster. She asked, "Is that a Dodge?" Close enough.


no no lol I asked if they had anything for a '68 Charger rear end and she asked if that was made my Dodge 8)