Insurance Hagerty/Grundy ??

That's not what the agent told me. I said I would drive the car to work occasionally and the person said that you can only drive it to shows and cruise ins and it has to be garaged at all other times. Maybe you got a better agent. :)

I had that discussion with my agent the other day, I asked him why do we get different stories from different agents.

His explanation is for the most part when you are talking with someone and you tell them what you did, they hear you are driving it everyday to work. It's odd that some folks can't understand and process the English language literally, they hear one thing and think something else.

I run into that all the time, it frustrates me to no end. But, he did say that they strongly discourage driving it to work, he also said that if it's every once in a great while, it's probably not an issue.

What they are trying to convey is, don't use it as a daily driver. I drive mine anywhere I want within reason and they have no issues with it.