It's Captain Half Brain!!!



Well-Known Member
May 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kelowna BC Canada
Hi everybody:

I'm looking in the desk drawer for the garage keys. I'll need my glasses to putter around so I pick them up off the top of the desk. I look back in the drawer... They're usually right there. JEES WTF DID I DO WITH THEM!! I look at my left hand and there they are :realcrazy:

At least you found them. I lost my pick up keys a few weeks back. I never left the house and I never found my keys. :BangHead::BangHead::BangHead::BangHead::BangHead:
My moms scissors were missing for a few days, she finally found them in the fridge
What i hate is when you get up to do something and you forget what it was half way there.
So you stand there like a dumb *** trying to remember what it was for a minute or two then give up and go sit down again only to remember what it was that you got up for originally.
Normally I load all of my camera gear into a cart and haul it to where I hang around at the track. Last time I just took the 2 camera bodies with the lenses attached. Turned on the first camera body, battery was dead. Walked to the truck, got a battery. Turned camera on, went to format the memory card. Back to the truck. Cool, the camera I use for short range stuff ready to go. Opened the bag with the long lens/camera body in it...which felt kinda find no camera body. Back to the truck, grab the body (out of the bag where the batteries and memory cars are) and hike back to my spot. Turned on camera, checked the battery, 90% charged. Went to format the memory card....walked back to the truck, said screw it load what was left in the truck into my cart. Open the back of the cart...I am waiting for the day I drive to the track with no pants on.....
Normally I load all of my camera gear into a cart and haul it to where I hang around at the track. Last time I just took the 2 camera bodies with the lenses attached. Turned on the first camera body, battery was dead. Walked to the truck, got a battery. Turned camera on, went to format the memory card. Back to the truck. Cool, the camera I use for short range stuff ready to go. Opened the bag with the long lens/camera body in it...which felt kinda find no camera body. Back to the truck, grab the body (out of the bag where the batteries and memory cars are) and hike back to my spot. Turned on camera, checked the battery, 90% charged. Went to format the memory card....walked back to the truck, said screw it load what was left in the truck into my cart. Open the back of the cart...I am waiting for the day I drive to the track with no pants on.....
Been there, done that. Your senior moments are getting closer & closer together.