January 18th 1991



Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2009
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Cincinnati, OH
30 years ago today I was sitting on the back of a 155mm Howitzer waiting for the Saddam Hussein to unleash the Mother of All Battles.
We got about 33 kilometers into Iraq and may have shot 50 rounds before we were turned back and told it was over.
Never did see that battle we were promised.
30 years ago today I was sitting on the back of a 155mm Howitzer waiting for the Saddam Hussein to unleash the Mother of All Battles.
We got about 33 kilometers into Iraq and may have shot 50 rounds before we were turned back and told it was over.
Never did see that battle we were promised.

Thanks for your service sir!
Thank you for your service!! 33 years ago I was inspecting, assembling, testing and trouble shooting W62 warheads for the MM III ICBMs.

And yes, I glow in the dark!!!:soapbox:
Thank you and all of our service members for serving this country.
Missed it by 3 days! Got out Aug 3, everyone after Aug 6 was extended.....Thank you sir!
Buddy went and remembered racing forward across the desert in a 50 MPH Hummer getting chased by Iraqi artillery. They drove right past the same artillery pieces that were now abandoned....
Thanks for your service. I worked with a guy who was over there, a sniper. He said all they did was play football.
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Missed it by 3 days! Got out Aug 3, everyone after Aug 6 was extended.....Thank you sir!
Buddy went and remembered racing forward across the desert in a 50 MPH Hummer getting chased by Iraqi artillery. They drove right past the same artillery pieces that were now abandoned....
Got my L.E.S. in September, in the notes at the bottom it read, "Original ETS 01NOV90 extended. See PERSCOM for details"
I went to S-1 to find out what was going on, I was told I was "stop lossed" for 12 months.
The fuckers drafted me!
I was supposed to ETS 01 Nov, but by December I was in the dessert.
And yeah, I drank a lot of water and played a lot of spades, gin and hearts until all hell broke loose.
Got my L.E.S. in September, in the notes at the bottom it read, "Original ETS 01NOV90 extended. See PERSCOM for details"
I went to S-1 to find out what was going on, I was told I was "stop lossed" for 12 months.
The fuckers drafted me!
I was supposed to ETS 01 Nov, but by December I was in the dessert.
And yeah, I drank a lot of water and played a lot of spades, gin and hearts until all hell broke loose.
I know the feeling My ETS was 11/18/2005 I got shipped to Iraq in Jan 2006 for my second deployment. Ended up 557 days past my original enlistment.
On this day 50 years ago, I behind a 50 cal on a UH1H gunship in southeast Asia. 1st CAV out of Fort Hood.
Thank you all for your service! In jan 1991 I was getting ready to turn 6 years old.
On this day 50 years ago, I behind a 50 cal on a UH1H gunship in southeast Asia. 1st CAV out of Fort Hood.

My first cousin was a chopper pilot in Nam. He was shot down twice behind enemy lines and managed to get back alive, each time he managed to survive the Army would stick him back into a Helo!! He was not a senator's son and he had some pretty hairy stories:
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On this day 50 years ago, I behind a 50 cal on a UH1H gunship in southeast Asia. 1st CAV out of Fort Hood.
Thank you all for your service. I wonder if you knew my Dad? He was A door gunner on a UH1H. He was in the 7th cav.

My first cousin was a chopper pilot in Nam. He was shot down twice behind enemy lines and managed to get back alive, each time he managed to survive the Army would stick him back into a Helo!! He was not a senator's son and he had some pretty hairy stories:

My dad was a door gunner on a UH1H in Vietnam. He didn't talk much about his time over there.But did tell me one time about being shot down. They had to fix it there and had VC all around them. Had to bring in a company to protect them while they fixed the helicopter. My mom did tell me that my dad volunteered for a second tour of Duty and they sent him to a shrink. Lol my hats off to your cousin. Thank him for his service .
30 years ago today I was sitting on the back of a 155mm Howitzer waiting for the Saddam Hussein to unleash the Mother of All Battles.
We got about 33 kilometers into Iraq and may have shot 50 rounds before we were turned back and told it was over.
Never did see that battle we were promised.
Thank you for your service. You was serving on a M109A Howitzer? If so cool. Thats what I worked on in the US Army reserves. I graduated AIT one week before Thanksgiving in 1990. I was attached to my Father's 3/75 Field Artillery unit at the time. We thought we was going to get called up. But ended up not going to the first Gulf War
I pulled 2 tours because I wasn't give a choice. There used to be a 1st & 7th Cav reunion in Brownsville, Texas that included WWII vets & Viet Nam vets. Brownsville, the site of Fort Brown in the 30's to 50's I believe was where the 1st Cav was stationed. Unfortunately most of the WWII vets have passed on & no one picked up the torch. The WWII soldiers were mounted cavalry. My dad was a WWII horseman.
Thank you for your service. You was serving on a M109A Howitzer? If so cool. Thats what I worked on in the US Army reserves. I graduated AIT one week before Thanksgiving in 1990. I was attached to my Father's 3/75 Field Artillery unit at the time. We thought we was going to get called up. But ended up not going to the first Gulf War
During Dessert Storm I was on an M109A3.
Prior to that, I was in a M110 8" battery.
I ended up staying in the Army until 2003. I blew my right ear out around 1997, so the Army's logic came into play. They decided I should re-class and became a 31L. Commo. Half deaf guy in a commo unit, go figure.
Cupping his hands to his ears, Demonracer screams "HUH". LMAO!!!
During Dessert Storm I was on an M109A3.
Prior to that, I was in a M110 8" battery.
I ended up staying in the Army until 2003. I blew my right ear out around 1997, so the Army's logic came into play. They decided I should re-class and became a 31L. Commo. Half deaf guy in a commo unit, go figure.
Very cool. I ended up leaving the Army reserves Feb 02 2002