Jesus on a pancake...



I was born on a Monday. Not last Monday.
FABO Gold Member
Jun 7, 2010
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This picture of a pancake is floatin around the internet the past day or two. They say it has Jesus on it. <insert eyeroll here> Now, I'm big on Jesus. I believe the whole shebang......that said, it looks more like Charles Manson to me.


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Yes, pass the Land O Lakes and Log Cabin.
Pete Townshend to me.
**** Rob and the others it is a Manson picture! Where in the hell do these people get "Jesus" from that? looks nothing like I've seen................... Jesus that is!

Really,. how in the hell do any one of us know what he does look like? that was what? 2000 years ago! They sure as hell didn't have cameras back then, and I can't see how people get this crap and call it a picture of Christ......

We're not to believe "man" we're to believe in HIM, and listen.....

For the sake of Christ, put the butter to that and dump the syrup to it and EAT it. This is a creation of Gods to fill or take away the hunger someone has! A gift from God to survive.......
I agree, looks like Manson. I thought this was going to be a rant thread, thought "Jesus on a pancake" was a new cuss word. Think I will start using that when things aren't going right, so if you ever hear anyone say that remember I started it.
I agree, looks like Manson. I thought this was going to be a rant thread, thought "Jesus on a pancake" was a new cuss word. Think I will start using that when things aren't going right, so if you ever hear anyone say that remember I started it.

Now that's funny! I can just imagine my wife's expression when she hears JESUS ON A PANCAKE come from the depths of the garage. Lol!
