Joe's Garage

We saw Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention live at the Seattle Center Arena in 1968 or 69. I heard the music in my head for three days afterword.
"Hello there boys & girls, my name is Jimmy Carl Black and I'm the indian of the band"
"Help I'm a rock-Help I'm a rock-Help I'm the mayor-Help I'm the mayor":=)
Zappa was cutting edge friggin classic awesome!
I almost always have music on around the house/barn/garage/yard. I play alot of Frank. My children all grew up with his music in the background. While they do not have of their own Zappa albums, they do have their favorite songs. My oldest daughter was home from college last week, and asked if I would play "Call any Vegetable" off the Absolutly Free album for her. She said the week before she could not get the lyrics out of her head.
See? We told you not too worry too much about the house. Except for eating, pooping and sleeping, what else is it good for?


Roger that Grant! I suppose it does keep the dogzillas in check so they're not roaming the neighborhood and munching on toddlers too, lol.

I almost always have music on around the house/barn/garage/yard. I play alot of Frank. My children all grew up with his music in the background. While they do not have of their own Zappa albums, they do have their favorite songs. My oldest daughter was home from college last week, and asked if I would play "Call any Vegetable" off the Absolutly Free album for her. She said the week before she could not get the lyrics out of her head.

I've always loved music and almost always have something on in the background too. My family is very musically talented but I never got that gene, so I listen rather than play. :D

Well, it's snowing pretty good out, but last weekend I got the tops on the bench. I'm hoping for some better weather soon so I can attach the quarter round, bullnose the edges and get the first coat of poly on. :coffee2:
We saw Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention live at the Seattle Center Arena in 1968 or 69. I heard the music in my head for three days afterword.
"Hello there boys & girls, my name is Jimmy Carl Black and I'm the indian of the band"
"Help I'm a rock-Help I'm a rock-Help I'm the mayor-Help I'm the mayor":=)
Zappa was cutting edge friggin classic awesome!

OK, got the edges bullnosed and the quarter round on. Last night I finished up one shelf but have to finish the rest of the shelves. I also got around to setting up some nice shelving in the SW corner of the garage. I've been on call starting last Friday and the week leading up to it was from hell. My district manager was in town and we're changing out or depot and inventory control processes around. It's all for the better but I worked a bunch of 11 and 12 hour days. I should be in a position to start sanding and slathering on some marine spar this coming weekend. I can't wait to get my vise mounted as that means it's DONE. Well, this set of benches anyway.

I got the For A Bodies Logo sticker from 2darts too! IT IS AWESOME! I can't wait to get that up and already picked a spot as well as a spot for Leanna's calendar.
All shelves are done and ready to sand and marine spar. I decided to add in the funnel drain shelf while I was at it.


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Looks great! I love the funnel idea. Constantly have to blow them out and follow it up with a paper towel (but I probably have more dust than most :-D). I never noticed before but it looks like your floor is already expoxied. Keep up the fine work Joe!
Looks great! I love the funnel idea. Constantly have to blow them out and follow it up with a paper towel (but I probably have more dust than most :-D). I never noticed before but it looks like your floor is already expoxied. Keep up the fine work Joe!

Thanks CC. Yeah, I hate having to try to clean the funnels everytime I use them and I also got sick of oil stains on my shelves. I've got a drain pain under there now and all I have to do is throw a towel over the tops. I might box it in later and put a little door on. :)

Yeah, when I first checked out the garage before I bought, the floor was really dirty. After a good sweep out I noticed the floor was already painted/epoxied. Score! :cheers:
Thanks I love Zappa but had not listened to him for years. Apostophe was his best album in my opinion. I used to like Billy was a mountain when I was younger, but much of that was probably the offensive learics. He had some real strange learics but he could realy play. " is that a real poncho or is that a sears poncho"
Looking good Joe!

Thanks 2darts! I got place picked for your sticker too. It's going to be on the back wall front and center so it can be seen with the double doors open. :)

Great job!

Thanks KP!

Cool, I get a window seat. :-D

Heck yeah! Plus it'll be high enough to keep my friends grubby paws off it. :D

Thanks I love Zappa but had not listened to him for years. Apostophe was his best album in my opinion. I used to like Billy was a mountain when I was younger, but much of that was probably the offensive learics. He had some real strange learics but he could realy play. " is that a real poncho or is that a sears poncho"

Roger that 41husk, his lyrics were out of this world. :happy1:
Got the first coat of poly on last night, next coat goes on after work today after a scrub with 220 grit. In my travels yesterday I stopped by a garage sale and picked up a new in the box 24" flourecent light fixture for uinder one of the benches plus an old school multi switched surge supressor for a total of ....... 4 bucks. :)
The shop is really looking great, Joe

Nice idea on the funnel holder.

Looks like you just about to park your Dodge (A 54 with a messed up door) in the corner and break out a couple of quarts of beer - Ha!

Ma Snart


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The shop is really looking great, Joe

Nice idea on the funnel holder.

Looks like you just about to park your Dodge (A 54 with a messed up door) in the corner and break out a couple of quarts of beer - Ha!

Ma Snart

Thanks Ma Snart! Well, I got a '72 Plymouth with a 318 full of mouse crap, does that count? :joker:

I've been on a 48 hour thrash starting Friday night after a 12 hour work day. Got tons done on the shop not only adding new lighting but just swapping out old flourecent bulbs for new ones made huge difference. My friend Mike and I also got his bike about ready to go. :)


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Please pardon the GM reference's, great street racing song and great band.
[ame=""]Foreigner Rev On The Red Line - YouTube[/ame]
Leanna is first and foremost of course... :D She'll always be there watching my work to let me know not to take shortcuts. :prayer:


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That Marine Spar I coated the one bench with is resistant to everything from 94 proof rum to carb cleaner. I still have much more to do, but I'm about pooped. I didn't even get into the carpentry/electrical/lighting plus motorcycle work I did today...
Well Joe :D I can say that you gave Leanna an easy job :happy1:
I have seen allot of your work, the corners you cut might be on the street in the Jeep :happy1:
The shop is looking nice and busy, and that my friend is a good thing :cheers:
Well Joe :D I can say that you gave Leanna an easy job :happy1:
I have seen allot of your work, the corners you cut might be on the street in the Jeep :happy1:
The shop is looking nice and busy, and that my friend is a good thing :cheers:

I don't know if looking after me is easy, lol! :banghead: No, you know me too well Mr. Mike. The super street Jeep seems to get faster every weekend, but I'm thinking it's just that GM 1 ton van, the "Great White Whale" I drive every day that make it SEEM fast, lol.

Thank you my friend. My bud Mike who is a veteran took care of his part of the bargain plus 10. That bike might even beat me in the 1/4 mile. At least if he beats me, I picked, carbed, and tuned the engine and gave him the Gerex ignition, lol. :eek:ops:
It's really coming along Joe! I have no problems at all watching you work -- it's an honor :-D [crack that whip!! LOL] -- and it seems you're definitely kickin butt on that once-empty garage.

I love that glossy finish on the workbench. How long does that stuff take to set up?? Never used it myself but it does look tough. Keep up the great work! :-D

I finally got some of that bubble insulation on the INSIDE of my shop yesterday -- west wall dropped 22 degrees of afternoon heat! -- so I was thinking of updating last year's tornado thread today too.