Journey to the center of the dash


'74 Sport

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2004
Reaction score
Troy, TX
Many of you have asked how to remove a dash pad. Well, wonder no more...
Aaron and I did it this weekend, for our third time, so I thought I would show a few pics that might help.

This is a view along the underside of the dash. You can easily see the studs with 3/8" speed nuts which must be removed.


This is looking up into the back of the passenger side corner near the glove box. At the top is another 3/8" speed nut, but the lower one is a 5/16" hex head sheet metal screw. Both are very tough to get to, but a ratchet with short extension will work.


This gives you an idea where to find those last two fasteners I showed you - upper hole and lower right hole.


This shows you the locations of three more studs with 3/8" speed nuts to find (small round holes), in addition to the two in the corners of each end.


You will want to drop the instrument panel and remove the glove box to gain access to all of the nuts/screws. And be ready with the Neosporin and Band-Aids. There are plenty of sharp and jagged edges to encounter. I hope your tetanus shot is up-to-date.

Good luck,
thank you very much for this, i was thinking about tackling this project sometime soon, i supose when i do i should plan to revamp the entire dash at once
Thank you....I was wondering how to get that darn dash pad off lol...getting ready to paint the interior and it was holding me up lol
You guys kill me!! I swapped out the dash pad in the 66 car I just sold in about 25 minutes!! It's not as hard as you think!!!
This was a good exercise in keeping my temper in check. It would have been better if i didn't scratch up my arm but it's a relief to have that shrapnel out of my car
