Judge Mills' 1971 Plymouth Duster

I took the Dremel to the rims and got them to fit! Just took minimal "massaging" of the wheel to get it to fit. I officially have a roller! I moved in this house in the Spring of '10. Since then I've had a kid, got laid off, and got back to work! Since being here, the car hasn't been able to roll, since I tore out the front and rear suspension. I'm feeling accomplished today!


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Looks like it's been a while since I updated. Pulled the trigger around a month ago and ordered a driveshaft. It just arrived today. I measured probably 15 times, and it looks like I did it right! I was real nervous about ordering a shaft, especially from clear cross the country, and wit a mopar tranny and a ford axle, but it appears to mate up perfect!


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Looking back, it appears I didn't document what I've been doing the last 8 months. I didn't work on it a whole lot, but I did replace all the brake lines and hoses. I did buy some pre-bent stuff, which I had to re-bend and cut. In retrospect, I should have just bought a roll of line and done it that way, but lesson learned. I think before I drive it, I'll replace the front rotors, but for now they'll stay. I'm sure the car is years from driving! The system is ready to bleed, just need to do it. I think my next project is to connect the gas tank.
Good deal on the drive shaft. Keep plugging away, the end result will be worth it!