Justin Figgatt - Again

look at his nice new truck he got from all his efforts and hard work .
Good looking out guys!

Keep on this guy and drive him out of the hobby...
For someone who's part time job is ripping people off, he sure posts a lot of things about God on his FB page?!?!
For someone who's part time job is ripping people off, he sure posts a lot of things about God on his FB page?!?!
Matthew 7:21-23

21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
No idea who this guys is, but clearly buying parts from him is not a good idea. Noted.
In a previous life, long ago and not so far away, I sold auto / truck parts and heavy hardware. Back in those days I guess guys realized they should not piss off the few (sometimes one) parts store in town. So "we" got VERY little in the way of bad checks. Slow payments on charge accounts was sometimes a different matter

But I CAN tell you this. The few checks that DID bounce often had references to "the lord" or the dreaded "fish." Now I don't know whether these people actually attended church, or started out from the line to defraud.

and "god bless??" How preposterous. Do you REALLY think that god, if he / she does exists, is going to "bless" me just because YOU say so?
Surprising that someone did not see him in Carlisle !!
I just want to get the word out that justin Figgatt is back on the internet selling cars and parts again. He is widely known for ripping people off.


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I guess those folks that got ripped didn't follow through and report him the way they should've, if so, he may not be back at it so quickly.
I just looked and see he has THREE different profiles on FaceBook with a combined total of 93 mutual friends....
Well, I don't buy anything car related on the net. Cars, parts, or services. So, good old Justin doesn't represent a problem for me, other than the fact that he's not exactly an honorable business man.
I alerted the FB public on that thread, and low and behold old Justing commented back, thanking me for the exposure and admitting that he rips off more people in a week/month than my warning scares off!! Nice attitude huh?? He will be on the receiving end of his ways soon enough!!!
I alerted the FB public on that thread, and low and behold old Justing commented back, thanking me for the exposure and admitting that he rips off more people in a week/month than my warning scares off!!!!!

Ain't that something to be proud of.... #-o