Key stuck ???????????????



Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2008
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My ignition tumbler won't come back far enough so I can remove the key?????? 70 Duster manual steering column---HELP PLEASE--Steve
Have you tried wiggling the steering wheel back and forth while trying to turn the key back?
if that is in the column-- i can only suggest spraying a lube on the mechanism liberally & moving as much as poossible. if it is in the dash try wiping it clean & pinch it -- sometimes that will force it out.

good luck ,Lawrence
Yep tried all of the above!!!!! It did it once last week and sprayed a LITTLE wd40 and was good to go,Went for a ride yesterday and now it's stuck again only this time it's really stuck!!!!! Does this have anything to do with the column lock bracket that USED to be on the end of the column???? I shortened the column when I put the 5.7 in the car--Steve
If it's an automatic....are you sure it's all the way in park?
if its a manual make sure the interlock linkage is ok if its there......and if three speed make sure its in first or reverse sure you already knew that but just throwing in a .02 to help
yes reverse lock is what is was talking about--sixpk you know my car silly--remember the shiny hurst shifter??? I took the reverse lock arm off when I shortened the column ,I was wondering if that somehow has moved and locked my key in--Steve
Don't the sticks also have a reverse lock?

yup thats why i said to check the interlock linkage ......every three speed i have on the floor or column need to be in first or reverse....

3 on the column it should look like an auto in park when you leave the car.
Plan C:

Pour gas on it, light it, and call insurance company... LOL!!!

Just joking.
Huh--you might be a a-body owner if........ fits this thread--I just went out and tried,When I say it's stuck man it's stuck!!!!!!! At least I can shut the car off and have no drain on the batt. Don't know what to do!!!!!!!! Steve
Huh--you might be a a-body owner if........ fits this thread--I just went out and tried,When I say it's stuck man it's stuck!!!!!!! At least I can shut the car off and have no drain on the batt. Don't know what to do!!!!!!!! Steve

Keep it in a secure location so some bastard doesn't steal it.

There have been several great suggestions here but if none of them worked maybe if you were to post some pictures it would help.
If worse comes to worse, you can change out the steering column...

If you can't pop the lock cylinder out of the original one to fix it.
yes reverse lock is what is was talking about--sixpk you know my car silly--remember the shiny hurst shifter??? Steve

Doh'....I forgot whether you had an auto or pedal car. Even looked @ my pics before I posted, but no luck as I didn't get any inside shots :rolleyes: #-o

I'm help here :violent1: :)