Ladies day - Jokes for ladies



Well-Known Member
FABO Gold Member
How-To Section Editor
Aug 20, 2007
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Orland Park, IL
Since I have been posting jokes, not one woman has complained about the woman bashing man jokes. So to show them that we can take it as well as we dish it out, I will post some man-bashing jokes for the women on the site today.

This just goes to show how cool the women of FABO are. I know for sure that Cudachick reads these and there are probably a few more like her out there....

Not one complaint from the ladies. I can't say that about the men....
Hell Karl, I don't care. I'm here anyway. I'll read it. Bring 'em on ......................

Already spouted coffee all over the monitor after reading "Finances" a couple minutes ago so I'm ready now.
First the classics...What does a Woman do with her a-Hole first thing in the morning?....

Packs his lunch and sends him to work

How come single Women don't fart?....

They don't have an A-hole till they're married...
Ok, now that we're on the subject of women and a$$holes...


He was very suave and as he slid up to a blonde at the singles bar, he thought he'd try out his new pick-up line...

"Hi beautiful. I'd love to get into your pants."

"Why?", she replied, "There's already one a$$hole in there."


Why does a woman need an a$$hole?

Someone has to take out the garbage...
You know what a mans biggest embarrassment is? When he walks into the wall with a hard on but breaks his nose instead.
whats the difference between hard and dark??? .... stays dark all night long
Why are men like snowstorms?
You don't know when they will come, how many inches you'll get, and how long they'll stay.

What's pms?
Putting up with Men's Shi*.

How many men does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
It doesn't matter, men will screw in anything.

I opened up a restaurant named "The G Spot".
I went out of buisness becase 99% of the men couldn't find it.
very funny stuff , i will pass it on to the wife lol:toothy7: