Last minute gift ideas


64 AAR Valiant

FABO Gold Member
Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
K PAX Pennsylvania
Haven't bought a thing for the wife. Heading down to the local gas and go. Figure a gallon of chocolate ice-cream and a few candy bars should cover it. Any other suggestions?
Haven't bought a thing for the wife. Heading down to the local gas and go. Figure a gallon of chocolate ice-cream and a few candy bars should cover it. Any other suggestions?

Better get her new windshield wipers
Take her car and fill up the gas tank while it's cheap(er). Better yet, take your car and fill it up in case she kicks you farther away than the couch for giving her candy bars for Christmas.

I admit, a gallon of ice cream may slow her down a bit if she's anything like my wife.
!!!OH MAN!!! You just reminded me of a story from the past!!!!

When I was just a kid, so we're talking about 1960 'er so, Dad wanted to butcher the steer, but the lane from the county road to the barn was plugged---we'd had a LOT of snow, and the icy hard burm on the county road made plowing with our old Farmall impossible.

So Dad got our neighbor, "Norm" to come over with (don't remember) huge old cable blade Cat built in the '30's, of course, "pony motor" start, and had him plow the lane

It would have been an RD-7/ RD-8

So it's TODAY, IE Christmas Eve day, about 3:30--4:pM and starting to get dark. Dad, Norm, and I were BS'in after the deed was done.

Now you have to remember that I grew up in a small town, back then, about 3500-4000 people, and on Christmas Eve, NO--BODY much was open except one grocery store, and a couple of gas stations. The clothing stores, Pennys, any other "dept" store would have been closed.

So here we are, late afternoon on Christmas Eve, and Norm says to Dad,

"Well, I better get the cat home, I still have ta get downtown and find somethin' for the old lady fer Christmas!!!"
Haven't bought a thing for the wife. Heading down to the local gas and go. Figure a gallon of chocolate ice-cream and a few candy bars should cover it. Any other suggestions?

got it nailed down pretty about some cheez-its (everyone likes those) and ice cream sandwhiches ......the kind with pink on one end, white in the middle and chocolate on the other end ...there is a name for that kind of sandwhich but i dont know it.

also chedderwursts are there.......hmmmmm chedderwurst....ok wheres my keys BRB :cheers:
Just leave her a note telling her that you will be giving her a night of silence by being at the local t**ty bar......
Well. I just got in and I think I'm covered. The ice cream and candy bar part was easy. I scored on a candy braclet and necklace I have not seen them in years but this place had them. So the bling iis covered. I bought two condoms ribbed for her pleasure, if that doesn't say love I give up. For the big gift I stopped at the auto store wiper blades, thanks Cliff, and a car cover and a nice big red bow to put on it. thanks for all your suggestions.