Lock Bumping by thieves

Holy crap. Good information. I just copied these links and sent them to my family.
jamesmcclain340 said:
www.bumpkey.us yeah i've known for awhile. the only defense is a 150$ lock that can't be bumped. here's the scary part you can buy the stuff off the internet cheap.

the other thing that works really well is get a dog.. and kick it in the head every day before you leave for work..

muahahahaa, silly ham-burgalers
i use a fence then six dogs then double locked doors then an alarm and if that does'nt work then mr. colt will handle whats left before the cops show up.
I use an insurance company.

Also, like Cerwin I have known about this since the 80's so I don't have these type of locks. I have the good ones.

340mopar said:
I use an insurance company.
Also, like Cerwin I have known about this since the 80's so I don't have these type of locks. I have the good ones.

The difference now is they're teaching people on the net to make the bump key. Also you can purchase a set of bump keys that cover most locks for $33. I know there's many ways to break in but lock bumping makes it a very quiet way and quick way to break into homes.
Locks keep honest people honest, that's all. Dishonest people will find a way in no matter what.
I have to agree with 65s, the locks are for honest people. If someone wants in your house, they can easily get in.

The best real-life derrent I have seen is a dog, even a friendly golden retriever gives off a loud, full sized bark, any unwanted guest are gone with the wind!
Exactly, if somebody wants in they wont stop at lock bumping. Window rocking, door kick-really-harding, or even wall chainsawing will work. Dogs? Bring drugged fresh meat.

The sum total of all your posessions are only worth their respective deductables. Don't make yourself an easy target, maintain isurance, and aim center mass.
I know that locks keep honest people honest but like GT340 is saying criminals for the most part are lazy that is why they are criminals (they can't handle a real job) and now because of irresponsible media footage other lazy people know.

I have a set of "master" keys for Chrysler, GM and Ford cars and trucks between the '60s and '80s, I purchased them from Snap-On. I had them because at the time I was the used car mechanic for a new car dealer and they were always locking the keys in the car or loosing them.

I saw a report on bump-keying on the local news recently, suddenly it's a hot topic. It's obviously nothing new, but now they've alerted a whole generation of lazy theives as to just how easily it's done. Most common theives aren't that sophisticated, they just BREAK in. There are very few doors and NO windows that I can't break in with nothing but my foot, or a good prybar for the steel doors in a steel frame. I work in a maximum security prison and can tell you that the thing that will scare a thief quicker than anything is in fact a dog. Even little dogs can create noise and draw attention. The next thing they worry about is an armed homeowner, although most burglars try to break in when you're not home.
wow, i have never heard of this, i guess i heard of similar things about my dad telling me about who a friend of his could make keys for any mopar by just putting in a key moving it around, then observing the knicks in it and grinding it and bam done, no need to remove the lock.

good info