Look at this crazy CL ad... Really?

There's no cure for stupidity.... Front clip looks kinda good tho.
I havta give him a pass on the seats. Those come right out. My own car is a backyard/ lo budget / run whut ya can find cheap deal, and it will (might) get built and rebuilt as money and time allows. I just happened to find some nice "race" seats on CL for a good deal and they are comfy. My old seats not only need covers, they need new foam.

Tenzo's I think I paid less than a hundred, don't remember........


However THIS is the deal breaker....................

"Bill Of Sale Only Thats All Thats Required. "

REALLY? Says who? Certainly not "me the prospective buyer."
My guess is he bought it that way and is clueless... I will say about bucket seats I was going to have my bench redone with foam and covers but the upholster told me it will always be an old bench seat no matter how new the foam is it will never be as comfortable as a new seat, so I opted for later buckets as well
Is it me or do the rear wheels and tires look skinnier than the fronts?
Tail lights, protruding marker lights and rear bumper are NOT "70" Duster... maybe 70's Duster, but not even sure about the bumper
Scoops don't look quite right.
That hideous homemade sticker on the roof.
God only knows what treachery lies under the hood.... I'm betting JC Whitney was involved.

There is no accounting for taste.
To each his own I guess.
my car is a 70 and the complete running gear( except the 1985/360) and suspension is from a 1974 car. Every stitch of the metal from the doors back is new AMD replacements and the seats are out of a mid late 90s early 2000s VW of some kind.

i love my mismatched pile of parts :)
However THIS is the deal breaker....................

"Bill Of Sale Only Thats All Thats Required. "

REALLY? Says who? Certainly not "me the prospective buyer."

In Georgia, Alabama and a few other states you don't need a title if the car is 25 years old or older. You can actually get a title from most states of you have a Georgia bill of sale.
my car had a NY title and when i registered it in VT they kept the title and gave me just a registration in its place.
what am I missing besides the fact its a 74 with a 72 front clip

Personally, I prefer the 70/71 or the 72 front clip to anything 73 or later.
Now if he's just get rid of the "back porch" rear bumper, The car would be pretty decent.

Personally not a fan of bucket seats in a car without a console, and have always favored front bench seats when I was a kid. I'm not a race car driver, and never pretended to be. The bench seat always driving around with the ladies much nicer, and afforded more room up front, also. Trendy is nice, but to me, comfort and convenience were always much nicer. Never saw a reason to put of a "fence" between me and my date.
"Bill Of Sale Only Thats All Thats Required. "

REALLY? Says who? Certainly not "me the prospective buyer."

In Georgia, he's right. Georgia has gotten to the point where it almost does not recognize a title on old cars anymore. I think it's anything 85 and prior......somethin like that. Plus, if an old vehicle has ever been registered without a title in Georgia, POOF, you can not get one again. A bill of sale is all you will ever have. It's just not that big a deal here.
A hole is a hole, you eat ugly doughnuts, don't you.... (Spring Break motto...)
Me too and the first thing I saw was the tail gate.... then the dart front end