Losing my job next week



Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2005
Reaction score
Edison, NJ
I can't believe it...my shop is closing. My boss called a meeting and told us that next friday is our last day. This really sucks ! I really don't want to start over again, I am getting to old for this. Maybe it is time to look for something different, you don't see too many old body/paint guys and I can feel the toll it has been taking on me. Especially since I have gotten the migraines and fibromyalgia.
Sorry to hear that John,It's never good to hear this kind of stuff.I know it is no consolation but you are not in the minority,Good men with 20-30 years of service are having the same problems.Good Luck to you and I certainly hope another job comes your way soon.
Sorry for the loss of job there John, if you have that many years experience maybe you could start your own little shop.
Sorry to hear.... maybe something will come along.

Need to tell this to all the Obama supporters over there on "News and Politics". They praise him to high heaven while everyone is losing their jobs. Heck .... I'm getting close myself.
Sorry to hear that, best of luck to you. Change is hard but it's sometimes for the best.
Sorry to hear about this,...been there myself,...My wife kept my spirits up,...sure enuf I did get another that paid the mortgage,...Didn't think I'd be spinnin wrenches (professionally) at 50 but keep yer head up and you'll be fine...,...
You have the same trade as me, I work for myself with no other employee's im swamped 3 wrecks sitting out in the driveway im booked for weeks to come and have to work these others in i'll probably work tomorrow just to not get behind. You ever think about becoming self employeed? As long as people keep wrecking the insurance company's will pay. The shop you worked for not profitable or the owner just want out?
Man, I am sorry that anyone is loosing their job in this economy. It seems like there is alot of companies closing their doors since the election. Is there a way you or you and coworkers might buy the shop if it is profitable? I bought my boss out 12 years ago and it's been a great deal for me and I finally just paid it off.
sorry to here that , seems to be spreading across both countries now.
Been there..I'm on my 4th job since 2008. Up until that point the least amount of time I held a job was 8 yrs. I have gone from 42,000 a year to I'll be lucky if I make 22,000 this year. I don't give a damn what they say about the economy, it still sucks around here!!
Sorry to hear that, especially just before the holidays. On the slightly brighter side at least you got a small notice. Lots of people, myself included got no notice. Good luck I've been looking for 9 months.
Sorry to hear you are losing your job. I hope a new door opens for you quickly.
You have the same trade as me, I work for myself with no other employee's im swamped 3 wrecks sitting out in the driveway im booked for weeks to come and have to work these others in i'll probably work tomorrow just to not get behind. You ever think about becoming self employeed? As long as people keep wrecking the insurance company's will pay. The shop you worked for not profitable or the owner just want out?

There were 2 partners, one was just a money man and one was a worker. The worker kept things going, but got sick and has been out of work for a few months. The business has been run into the ground and it is non repairable.
Sorry to hear of your misfortune right before Thanksgiving. Been down this road a few times. Any chance you could find a niche with your expertise, but not opening a full blown body shop? Best wishes and prayers for your future. You should be eligible for unemployment insurance to get you through initially right?
Sorry for the upheaval John. You have succeeded for 40+ years, you will make it through this too, and end up with something a lot better.
I can't believe it...my shop is closing. My boss called a meeting and told us that next friday is our last day. This really sucks ! I really don't want to start over again, I am getting to old for this. Maybe it is time to look for something different, you don't see too many old body/paint guys and I can feel the toll it has been taking on me. Especially since I have gotten the migraines and fibromyalgia.

So so sorry to hear this John, My brother inlaw in Florida turned to being
a insurance adjuster and was glad to get out of the paint fumes and wrenching, he has had 2 back surgeries in the last 8 years and is doing much better on the road being an adjuster now for 3 years
Having fibromyalgia from what I hear is terrible, and from what I have herd... I think it is nerve damage of some kind if I remember right..
Prayers coming your way for a better day and a new way of staying busy
to make ends meet John


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