Lost my lil' bubba 12/12/12



"No Value Added" Member
Sep 1, 2008
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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
On of my two cats died on Wednesday and I just can't blame anyone but me because I'm such a cheap sob.

Panda's a long hair cat that's been having problem's with his fur matting and knotting. Usually he'll start to pull on them and eventually I could snip them off. Well it got to the point where they were out of control and there was no way get them all. I kept putting off getting him shaved. Never enough time, I'll get on it tomorrow. Always a damn excuse. Friends even told me to get it done before the knots got too tight and would pinch his skin.

Last Friday I noticed a small area where Panda was bald. He was pulling the fur from his skin. He was raw. I called every groomer I could and none of them would shave a cat. I called the vet to see if they knew anyone that could do it. They could do it but they were all booked up - unless I paid the $100 emergency fee then they would have an opening for him. So I made an appointment for Monday afternoon. They told me not to feed Panda for a day because they would likely have to knock him out to do it and food would upset his stomach when he came out of it. I stopped feeding him Sunday night at 6:00pm. Besides the shave both cats were over-due for their shots and I'd get that done too.

But the last few months Panda has had a strong appetite. He could never get enough food. He would eat all his food - wet only - and want more, and more, and more. Then when I'd quit giving him more, I'd catch him in his brother's dish eating the wet/dry mix. It got to the point where he'd want food almost every hour. I thought it was odd but shrugged it off. I purposely didn't go home after my morning delivery run so I wouldn't have to listen to him whine for food. I went and did a bunch of errands until it was time to go see the vet at 2:30 pm.

At the vet's Panda went ballistic as soon as the vet went to check him out. Now both my cats don't really like people except for my ex g/f and me. But Panda was going nuts with teeth and claws faster than a ninja. I've never ever seen him do that. We get him back in the cage and the vet starts telling me that Panda is all skin and bones under the matted fur. They weight the cats when you go in and the vet tells me Panda is less than 5 pounds. What??? No way. Panda's always been a featherweight compared to his brother Tigger who weighs over 20 lbs.

Panda is taken to the back to get knocked out and shaved. The vet tells me to forget the shots and spend the money on blood work instead. He tells me the matting, voracious appetite and low weight is either from diabetes or a thyroid problem. My reaction -great, more freaking money I don't have. Tigger checks out fine, gets his shot and we go home. They'll call me when I can pick up Panda. All the while I can still hear Panda going ape$#!+ in the back room.

Monday: I pick Panda up at 7:30pm and when we get back home, he won't go near his food or water. I figure his stomach is upset from the anesthesia they used but it's been 24 hours since he's had anything. He'll eat when he's ready I tell myself.

Tuesday: Before I go to work around 2:00am I usually give Panda a squirt of food. He didn't want any. I get home from work at 9:00am and he's still not eating. I'm getting concerned. I sleep during the day and when I get up at 5:00pm he's still not eating. I try a fresh can of food and he walks away. I open a can of Tuna and squeeze the juice on a plate for him. He's lapping it up like there's no tomorrow and as I tell him "good boy", it was like he caught himself and then he stopped and walked away. Like he was mad at me for having him shaved. I go out and help a friend move some stuff with my van and go home. Panda refuses to eat. I cook a porkchop for myself and the cats love table scraps. Panda refuses it. I go to the store and get some yogurt and ice cream - stuff Panda just loves. He refuses that too. He just walks around the apartment restless and meowing. Not a painful meow just a "look what you did to me" kind of thing. I go to bed at 11:00pm. Work in a few hours.

Wednesday: I get up at 2:00am and Panda's laying in the bathtub meowing. Again he just seems restless. Still won't eat and wanders around the apartment. I check on him before I go out the door. He's under my bed meowing. I pull him out from under the bed and he tries to jump on the bed and falls over. That's not right. I pick him up and place him on my bed, then I go to work. I load my van, head across town to load up some drivers that are waiting for me and when that's done I can go home unless there's a run for me to cover or there's a problem somewhere. Just as I get home, my cell rings. There's a driver broke down, pick him and his load up and drive him around. I never went up to check on Panda. Get home at 6:30am between runs ( I do a separate 2 hour run around 7:00am ) and Panda's laying on the floor. Can't get a hold of the vet. I leave him some water hoping he'll have a drink and I go do the run. I keep trying the vet every 10 minutes. Finally get someone at 8:30am. They tell me to bring Panda in at 9:30am. We get there and they take him in the back to check his blood sugar levels. As I'm talking to the vet who now mentions euthanizing Panda, the lab tech runs in a mentions cardiac arrest. The vet runs out. He comes back a few minutes later and asks me what he should do. I'm freaking. YOU FIX HIM!!!! He leaves for a while and comes back telling me there's no response and what do I want to do. KEEP ^*$^*&$%% GOING!!!!! He comes back a few minutes later and brings me to Panda. There's an oxygen tube down his throat, iv lines in both front legs, they're giving him shots and a man and woman are taking turns pumping his heart. As soon as I saw Panda's eyes I knew he was gone. I told them to stop. I went back to examining room where they brought him to me to say goodbye. I started bawling like a baby.

As a kid I've had dogs and cats before and it was never a problem when their time was up. But this little guy got to me. He was always laying between my boots and shoes when I'd go to work. He'd move as I'd put them on and as I'd go out the door he'd meow to me. If he wasn't at the front door when I'd get home, he'd come out from the bedroom all dopey-eyed and meowing as he went to the kitchen to be fed.

Turns out he had what the vet calls a super-hyperactive thyroid. His metabolism was way off the chart. His little body was consuming itself and that's why I couldn't keep him fed. There were times when he was literally vibrating as he was devouring his food. So these last two days all I've been doing is blaming myself for not getting his shots sooner -they would have caught this. Why didn't I get him shaved sooner - they would have caught this. Why didn't I pay the extra emergency fee on Friday - they would have caught this. Why didn't I bring Panda back on Tuesday instead of Wednesday. Evert time I feed Tigger he keeps looking down the hall for Panda but he's not coming.

I really miss him and this big tough guy is still blubbering like a baby.



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Sorry for your loss ! I lost 3 of my cats this summer . One was a bottle fed cat Toby ( I called him my bubba as a nick name ) He was a long hair black cat with a short stubby tail. I still miss him . As well as the other two. Not sure what happened to them ? Either people adopted them ? Or animals ? I know the loss feeeling and it is not fun ! Hang in there !!
My condolences,Pets,especially cats,to me hurt at their loss.Sorry ,Wylde1.
Really sorry to hear this bud, I have 2 cats.....I will send a prayer your way
Sorry for your loss; don't be too hard on yourself--cats are sometimes too mysterious for us to figure out what is going on with them. I was never a "cat person" until I got married at the ripe old age of 51, and became a "cat owner by marriage". Red, our "inside cat", is a mostly healthy 15-pounder who also has a thyroid problem. We have been giving him a pill twice a day to control his thyrod issues; if you have any experience with giving a cat a pill, you will appreciate how that works! Hang in there and remember the joy that your friend gave you!
Red sends his condolences.


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Wylde1 There is "what if" and "I should of" and so on. Do not blame yourself as you
did not know how bad it was.
I love animals like you love yours, when you lose one it is very hard.
We lost Sheba (American Eskimo)2002 Ryly (Shetland sheep dog)2011.
Then my wife Carolyn in sept.
My pain is HUGE. I hurt every day but am starting to get better.
Same I WISH I would of said I love her more and so on.
Please do not blame yourself!
I know how you feel and it is a deep sinking feeling in the Heart,
But lets keep going forward.
I have to understand my reason to live and is to take care of my cat
Louie and Krissy my doggy and all my friends and family.
My pain for the parents in the shootings, It is hard at times to understand life.
I am sorry for your loss.
Very sorry for your loss. You gave him love and care, food and shelter for many years. Animals can't tell us when something's wrong, I'm sure your little friend would say thank you for all you did for him, and wouldn't want you beating up on yourself.
really sorry for your loss. we just lost our little pug girl to diabetes and have another older girl that we're watching hard cause she's got a hyperactive Thyroid also. The med's seem to be working but we still have her checked out more that normal. it does get better but it tales a long time to get so it hurts less.
Sorry about your loss. It's sad to loose a pet.

My son had an orange ginger cat that was only 8 years old. One night he was meowing on the basement steps. I could tell by his tone that something was wrong. I asked the boys to check him out and see if they could see anything wrong. They couldn't. My youngest son came and got me at 2:30 that morning and had found the cat dead in the hallway in front of the other son's bedroom.

I had an autopsy done, and the cat died from cancer. the soft kind, it exploded all over his stomach internally. Even if I had brought him to an emergency vet (it was sunday), they would have had to give him a blood transfusion and still may not have been able to save him. The transfusion would have cost over $1000. So basically, he was a gonner no matter what we could have done.... That info helped me deal with the guilt of not bringing him into the emergency vet when I first heard him meowing.
sorry to hear of the loss ...i have one mopar cat now ....and reading this made me go hug him...i lost one a year ago in Jan so i know.....hang in there.
I am sadden and holding back tears, this is the things that takes my hart..
So sorry to hear this Wylde1.... I know first hand how this hurts brother..
Do your best to stay strong and know you gave Panda a happy and joyful life..
My condolences :sad4:
I've so been there my friend, both in terms of losing a furry friend and the guilt that comes with believing it's at least partly your fault. Personal crises and stupid little emergencies have cost us two kittens just this month ... I was so busy with life, work and putting together an estate filing that I didn't even notice they were sick.

Sending a big hug to you and saving a little bit of it for me too. We could both use it. {{{{{ Graham }}}}}
Sorry for you loss Wylde1. It is never easy, Lori n I have 2 dogs and 2 cats. We are going to lose Jemma(Jack Russell) soon to cancer, we have been loving/spoiling the **** outta her. I think part of the pain is because you were at the vets when they were trying to save him. To go thru something like that is horrible, dont blame yourself! God bless