Magnet head


Princess Valiant

A.K.A. Rainy Day Auto
FABO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2011
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So I have a theory that your eyes are actually magnetic and your hair is an attractant to non magnetic debris.

I find it odd that everytime i crawl under a car, even when it seems clean and clear enough..... all the grease chunks, random rust flakes, and metallic debris goes straight for my eyes. My hair seems to find and collect all the unseen dried thorny plant remnants, leaves, and grease chunks.

Hmmmm what is with that.

One piece of advice though...... close your mouth when crawling under vehicles.

And I thought we were gonna get to see your pretty hair. Shouldda known better.
I always thot that people that wore glasses had a little protection from flying debris too , a guy told me long ago that they made it worse.
I agree w/ him now !

We have a pic of Leanna , mistress of metal , pretty hair and legs , why no pic of the princess ??
My eyes are magnets and boobs must be made of steel because my eyes are immediately attracted to them....
So true raini!
And why is it if there is a leak, atf for example, it manages to land in my hair? Seems no matter how much i try to avoid it,it happens. Or a drop on the glasses,which i smear all over and have to stop and clean them.
So true raini!
And why is it if there is a leak, atf for example, it manages to land in my hair? Seems no matter how much i try to avoid it,it happens. Or a drop on the glasses,which i smear all over and have to stop and clean them.
Genetics took care of the "ATF in the hair" problem I used to have:(
"One piece of advice though...... close your mouth when crawling under vehicles."

Same thing goes for weed whacking the dog lot! :eek::D

Stop by an appliance store, and ask them if you can have a refrigerator box out of their cardboard dumpster. You can use that on the ground when you crawl underneath a vehicle, and it will keep you cleaner and keep the hitchhikers out of your hair.
I had long hair when I was younger. After rolling over it a few times on the creeper and pinning my head to the ground I decided to switch up to a buzz cut.
get yourself a dollar store face shield. Youll be amazed how well they keep stuff from dropping on your face. My favorite is working under an exhaust, those rust flakes seem to gravitate to the old corneas. And I wear glasses!
Still to this day I've been sorry I was "looking up" at something. My head doesn't "tilt" like it used to--neck problems.
I get that also each time crawl under my car. Everything in my eyes with my contacts in. Fluid drips on back of my neck. Oh the fun I wouldn’t trade it tho, better than doing nothing.
get yourself a dollar store face shield. Youll be amazed how well they keep stuff from dropping on your face. My favorite is working under an exhaust, those rust flakes seem to gravitate to the old corneas. And I wear glasses!
2 times i had to have a flake of rust extracted. One time dr used a syringe, and my eyesight was still good, i could see the hollow part. Traumatic is an understatement.
So much better with contact lenses.


i had an optomotrist once tell me i had to wear safety glasses when working on cars...being a young smartypants i figured he had no way of knowing if i did or not, so i said "i always do"

he looked at me and said son, dont lie to me
you got a TON of rust in your contacts

yeah, hard to argue with that
Equally as bad if not worse is working under the dash, 40 + years of dust and strange things that are going to fall in your eyes as soon as you get all contorted into place.
Equally as bad if not worse is working under the dash, 40 + years of dust and strange things that are going to fall in your eyes as soon as you get all contorted into place.

Then you have to jump up and out quickly hitting your head and skinning your knees. After that, the neighbors hear words coming out of the garage they don't want their kids to hear! Ask me how I know :BangHead:
Then you have to jump up and out quickly hitting your head and skinning your knees. After that, the neighbors hear words coming out of the garage they don't want their kids to hear! Ask me how I know :BangHead:

hey, thats how my wife learned Dutch