Major setback



Well-Known Member
May 25, 2005
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New Braunfels TX
Was real close,after 3 yrs, to being done and driving the Dart. Went to the Dr cause my shoulder has been hurting for about 5 months,had to have surgery for torn rotator cuff, will be unable to use it for 6 wks then 3 months before I can lift anything. Dr found arthritis and some bone spurs one of which had poked a hole in the tendon. Good news is when all heals shoulder will be 100%. It was rt shoulder so it is taking alot to learn how to do everything left
handed. Thank God work will pay full wage after 30 days and ins is paying for most of the med bills.
I had that same surgery done in January. I wore that stupid cast/sling for two days, then threw it in the trash. I was out of work for 3 weeks, then went back but I played with my truck in the garage the whole time. Didn't do much lifting but I moved it -- a lot, which is what they tell you NOT to do. I replaced speakers, clay bared and waxed the whole thing etc.
I started therapy at the 4 week mark, and the therapist told me she's never seen anyone 4 weeks post op that had the range of movement that I did.
After 2 weeks of therapy she told me I have more range than most people that didn't have surgery at all. I checked myself out of therapy at the 5 week mark.
Long story short, you gotta move it. Little at first, but move it.
BTW, my crappy insurance left me with $3800.00 in med bills for my part of it, mostly the therapy, and it was a $40.00 copay (twice a week) for the 5 weeks I went to it..
Almost a year later, I can't feel any pain or movement restrictions, although it doesn't seem as strong as it was before the surgery. I guess I'll have to live with that.
Good Luck to you!

I pulled one of them about two weeks ago. No fun.

Not serious pain, taking glucosamine and cyssus, no sling, still at work. I'm careful, don't lift stuff in the range that is sore, but yes, move it a bit after initial healing. Helps build the muscle back up.
Thanks for the replies, I am using it a little more each day still have some pain after too much use, but only take pain pills when it gets really bad, going to let it heal this month and then start phys therapy. My job requires working overhead most of the time so I'm not going to push it.
One day at a time and do the therapy :happy1: even the kind you can do at home, no lifting!! and be careful how you reach for a door knob in the next few weeks and do not pull on it :banghead: don't ask, but it will take time to heal.
I had lost most of mine to Arthur and my right side of my face went numb and saged!! folks thought I had a stroke!! rushed to the Hospital and my bone dr. all ready knew what was going on and 1 day later I was in surgery, I have a big pain threshold doc said and it should have been dun a couple years before..
My best friends was a door knob, I would stand next to the door and just turn it and not pull it open, just turn it about a 20 count then walk away, I would do this at least 3 times a day......... Yep I had a great Therapist =D> easy on the eyes also :D Do not over do anything or they will be right back in there BWDart, hang in there bud, prayers for a complete recovery.
Had some shoulder cutting done. Doc though I had a SLAP tear but it was not. Had a big bone spur removed and she cut my long bicep was shredded and could not be re-connected. She left all of the arthritis in it, said if she removed it that my body will just regenerate it. If the arthritis had been worse she would have cleaned it out. Therapy went well, except for when he told me that I will very likely need a replacement down the road. Get it moving as early as you can. It has been clicking a lot as of late. Seen her last week, took a few pictures. I now have two bone spurs in the acromioclavicular joint as well as a crap load of arthritis in the same joint. Was told to live with it, if she messes with it things will get worse instead of better.

View attachment shoulder.jpg

Listen to the therapist. They started movement with me the day after surgery. First couple of weeks were just range exercises. Make sure you have plenty of bags of frozen peas/corn or what ever you chose for ice. Seemed like if I kept it iced after therapy the pain was very minimal. Good luck in your recovery. Just wondering, do you have a pillow under your sling? That things was such a pain in the a**. Don't know how many times I walked by the counter and cleared it off....
Thanks MeMike I plan take it slow and let it heal before starting phys therapy,
Inkjunkie yes I have the spacer under the sling it really is a pia I don't use it unless I'm going somewhere
Dr removed spurs and arth along with repairing the rotator, he said use sling and no use until 4 wks, I'm going to be 63 soon so I need this to heal correctly so I can use it for many yrs.
Thanks MeMike I plan take it slow and let it heal before starting phys therapy,
Inkjunkie yes I have the spacer under the sling it really is a pia I don't use it unless I'm going somewhere
Dr removed spurs and arth along with repairing the rotator, he said use sling and no use until 4 wks, I'm going to be 63 soon so I need this to heal correctly so I can use it for many yrs.

I am glad I did not have the SLAP tear or rotator cuff troubles. There was a woman in therapy when I was that her shoulder froze up after surgery, I was told that sometimes this happens with a rotator repair due to the long period of inactivity post surgery. Poor lady was in a ton of pain in the beginning, but after a week or so the pain reduced and she handled the therapy very well.
Welcome to the club! It'll be 2 months for me on the 26th. Labrium, rotator cuff, bone spurs, ect....