Male or Female Dog?

Male or Female Dog?

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I like the female dog. Dogs are the best friend you will ever have. If you don't think so, put your wife and your dog in the trunk of your car and come back in a hour and see which one is happy to see you when you let them out.


Two males one female over the years.
I'll only have female dogs anymore. The last male I had was 5 dogs ago and he was always in trouble. Besides should there be an accident in the house at least the females won't lift their leg and pee on the walls or the furniture.
I rescue Greyhounds and prefer the females as they look sleeker and faster. i will gladly rescue a male though. Here is my latest grey, Kristie, and her faithful pal Tux. Tux passed away last week and now Kristie is lonely.
If I could only have 1 pup I would choose a female, but I really like having 2 to keep each other company. I specifically was looking for a male pup for my female when I rescued Cooper from the county shelter. They get along great :-D :love7:

Pups 142.jpg
I presently have 2 males and 1 female but love them all. My female is my shadow. They all have their own personalities and I've never noticed gender specific traits other than the pee on the grass thing but my males pee on the shrubs and kill them.



Males for me...all my Bouivers have been males.

I had to but the big one down this winter...:(


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bouivers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers:

I have had 3 of them growing up! Great dogs! I would love to have another maybe after Frankenmutt kicks the bucket.
Sally is the first female dog I have ever owned and I don't really think it matters if you have a boy or girl. Right now we have one of each, frank the blue heeler and Sally the red heeler.
I have a 2 year old seiberian huskey, and she is a "heartless *****", meaning she is very teritorial. Will protect you one minute then try to play (bite) your hands the next, mistaken my face for my hand a few times, and I do say she has sharp *** teeth.

Anyways back on subject, female, cuz when they have pups you can sell them. maybe.
Well Joe whats your thought's sir ?
Female for many of the reasons already stated:

They are more protective.
No chance of a "Junk Encounter" when giving belly rubs.
They don't pee on everything to mark their territory.
They seem a little smarter for some reason and are easier to train.
They don't seem to have the need to escape every evening and meet all thier dog buddies.

The Downsides are:
They certainly seem quite a bit bitchier.
Spotting if not fixed, plus all the male dogs that will come "Rooting Around for Romona".
Usually a bit smaller than the males if that's an issue.

So, that's my opinon. :)
I had a female Irish Setter when I was growing up.... she was a very good dog. She just about knew what I was thinking sometimes.... it's true!