May have to take a little time off to heal. (need prayers)



Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2007
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I have been in the hospital since last Friday. To make a long story short, I severed 4 fingersc from my left hand (did i mention that i was left handed). The surgeon was able to replace one of the four. Hasa anyone gone through this? I dot know what to do!!!!!!!!! I have so many emotions and thoughts going through my head right now. The road to rehab will take about a year. after all the surgeories, and therapy. I will not be able to work during this time either. I am so worried about my wife and kids that I cant sleep. Please pray for me , I know everything will be fine , just at the bottom right now, and it is a long road to the top. P.s I still have a car for sale if anyone is interested.
Damn Larry, what happened? Was this a work accident, or something at home? Stay strong, you can beat this. We are here for support. I will say a prayer for you and your family.
We're in your corner Larry with many and continual prayers. One of the counter guys at the lumber yard had his leg amputated due to an infection. Went to school with him so he was a close matter for me. He had a choice. Lose it or die. He's adjusting well as you will. Just sing out if ya need to talk.
Small Block
Thanks guys, I lost them at work, While cutting a steel plate. It all happened so slow actually. The machine is a called a Piranha. It has a shear on one side anf a punch on the other.The ram moves very slow. When i felt the ram touch my finger, I stepped on the pedal to raise the ram, it just kept coming down. I dont know if the machine malfunctioned, or if I did somethin wrong. nontheless I lost my fingers. I have never been the one to sk for help from others. But i can tell you now , how suprising it is when things like this happen, the people that come forward and help. IT IS AMAZING.
Prayers for you, Larry, and your family.

My shop teacher in the middle school had this happen to him. All the fingers on his left hand severed in a sheetmetal brake. He's left handed, too. Through some therapy and determination he's still using that left hand to write with, eat with, etc.

My wife's an occupational therapist. You'll probably be working with a specialized hand OT, who'll work with on strength conditioning, fine motor, and relearning to use your hand again. The OT will probably help you on learning to use your right hand for handwriting and such. Listen to her (OT's are 98% female, hope you get a good looking one!), she'll be great moral support through all this! My wife is probably the biggest cheerleader for her clients outside of family.

We'll keep you in our prayers!
I'm praying for you Larry.Praying for a speedy recovery and you will get over it,millions of people have and you can too.FABO is here for you if you feel like talking.8)
I seen what happened earlier this morning, But I had to get my brain up and running :coffee2:
This is terrible to deal with bud :sad1: I will be praying for you to have strength to move forward and be strong, this sure put a big change in your life.:sad11:
I can't help with dollars but I can be in your corner you have been put in.
I was put in a corner but I did not loose half a hand and go through that pain and suffering of loosing part's of my body
I am sure you have a good Dr. "I pray" and you will watch for infection
I am holding back some old fart tears thinking about your situation you are in.
I can't remember your age but I can say it will be a long row to hoe to get your right hand wired to your brain.:naka:
A door knob was some of my first therapy treatments and seemed to work to help me use my left hand " I am right handed" enough of that:|
Prayers to you to stay strong and hopefully a lawyer will not have to step in and take care of your needs.
Speaking of need Larry what can I do to help you through this ?
I did with out my complete right arm for over a year and a great Dr. "thank you god" cut alley's "gutters" ways in my shoulder and gave me my arm back
No therapy just had to learn how to do things different
Keep us updated on this Larry:director: We are in your corner bud :angel3:
Heavenly Father- We are a family by choice; we join in one voice to lift this brother up to you in prayer. Lessen his pain and anguish, Father, and fold your comforting arms around him and his loved ones. As you heal him, Lord, we ask you to open his eyes to a new plan for his life. Use us here, each as you see fit, to help light his way. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Damn Larry, I'm really sorry to hear this. Prayers for a speedy recocery and for solace for your family as well. Hang in there buddy, cause we're all here for you in your time of pain and need. Good luck.
Oh shoot Larry, I'm so sorry to hear this. I have a good friend who lost his index finger when he was working at a cabinet shop. He went to brush away some wood scrap and even though the table saw was off, the blade was still spinning. This happened over twenty years ago and with therapy, he does just fine and works as an HVAC engineer with 5 guys working under him.

Prayers have been sent! Please contact me via PM if there is anything I can do for you or you just want to shoot the ****. :)

prayers are coming from NE oregon. I know from experence that you will be amased at how you will be able to use your right arm when you are forced to.
Being left handed myself I can understand how your feeling. Hang in there you still have one good hand and will learn how to use your left again over time.
Prayers sent.
Thanks for the prayers. I would never ask for $$. Even though i am down right now, i am not out. Not by a longshot. Thank you all.
Best wishes for a speedy rehab. I know a few old timers with missing fingers and they do just fine. I fell off a ladder in May and tore my leg up, fractured tibia, fractured ankle, torn PCL in my knee. Doc says it will be about a year before I'll walk right again or climb ladders, and I'll probably never kneel on that knee again. You'll adjust, just have faith.
Good luck and have a happy holiday in spite of it.

good luck Larry.

i lost alot of my right index finger to a deli slicer as a young cook. (i am a righty)
healing is not as slow as you'd think, and in the end i hope you will be as surprised as i was how much they will be able to fix your hand. what surgeons can do is amazing.

be sure to get into therapy as soon as you possibly can. will make the recovery go lots faster the more you can eventually exercise the hand without aggrivating the injury.

it took me about 9 months to get back 90% of my range of motion.

try to be optimistic. everyone is rooting for you.
My prayers are with you in this very trying time. A few years back I had my right hand crushed when a mold cavity was dropped on it. It took about a year of therapy and determanation and back to work I went.

You are about to find out just how strong a man you are Larry and remember God does not give us more than we can handle.
I got chill bumps when I seen Larry say he's not out!! Not buy a long shot :cheers:
Keep that strong chin up bud :cheers: We are right hear for ya 8)
I have been an amputee since I was 23 years old,lost my left arm above the elbow, I'm 51 now, give yourself some time, you will figure it out. Feel free to pm me at anytime, I have lots of experience. Keep your chin up, there is lots of suppprt out there on the net also.