McCail's V.P.!

You commented about unemployment. I responded with a comment about unemployment. You changed the subject to pay problems in one industry.

Averages can mask nasty things. What's the trend and avg wage for non ceo types? People working at walmart aren't the same as the industry jobs that have been lost.

Everyone with a brain knows the unemployment numbers, along with most data provided by the govt is cooked better than enron could ever try. Inflation for one...
Averages can mask nasty things. What's the trend and avg wage for non ceo types? People working at walmart aren't the same as the industry jobs that have been lost.

Everyone with a brain knows the unemployment numbers, along with most data provided by the govt is cooked better than enron could ever try. Inflation for one...

thankyou!!!! great point!
no matter who wins i hope things get better for everyone no matter which way we vote! we are all american! go detroit lions!!!! ( another 7-9 season. yeah! )
nice arguing with you about politics! but you wouldnt want to buy my dart would you? lol
No. I am tied up trying to arrange the repair of my Barracuda that got smashed at Carlisle. The next thing I want is another '69 Barracuda. A convertible.
wow!!! so were not on the same team huh!!! you are a class act buddy!!!!!!

Thank you for noticing I am a class act. Most people seem to miss that.

If we are on the same team but you plan to throw the game what good are you? Or if you make our team follow rules the other team doesnt have to follow!

Please take the time to actually READ my post. Dont just pick the one line and make some snide comment.

Had your reading comprehension not failed, you would have seen where I wrote that I know "in your heart" you dont believe democrats are out to destroy us. Maybe you should have read that part.
Averages can mask nasty things. What's the trend and avg wage for non ceo types? People working at walmart aren't the same as the industry jobs that have been lost.

Everyone with a brain knows the unemployment numbers, along with most data provided by the govt is cooked better than enron could ever try. Inflation for one...
The unemployment trend is for non-ceo types. There are not enough ceos to affect the rates really at all.
Man....did I start sumthin here....even IF I spelled his name wrong:toothy10:
He should have picked Tim Pawlenty, he is on his second term here in MN and doing a great job, BTW, I am voting REPUBLICAN!!!!
makes for some interesting reading though.

Yes it definitely does.

I know some people get a mad and stuff but, let me tell you , I could be arguing like hell with you on one thread and agreeing with you on another. I dont take it form one post to the next.

Half the time I cant remember who was arguing with me UNLESS their avatar sticks out! LOL
Yes it definitely does.

I know some people get a mad and stuff but, let me tell you , I could be arguing like hell with you on one thread and agreeing with you on another. I dont take it form one post to the next.

Half the time I cant remember who was arguing with me UNLESS their avatar sticks out! LOL

i love you man!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes it definitely does.

I know some people get a mad and stuff but, let me tell you , I could be arguing like hell with you on one thread and agreeing with you on another. I dont take it form one post to the next.

Half the time I cant remember who was arguing with me UNLESS their avatar sticks out! LOL
Hell, we argued and agreed on THIS thread!
I did not read any of the other comments, but I think she's agreat pick, very ingenious if you ask me.
1. She can't be called another old white guy by the libs.
2. She definitely is pissing Hillary off to no end right now.
3.She is as fresh a face as obama was before he announced his bid for pres.
4.She is a Mom with kids and will snatch alot of the women vote.
5.She is a hard line conservative that has character and is ballsy when it comes to crossing party lines to get stuff done.
6.I think she can relate to straight males married or single because she is better looking than Obama, McCain, and Biden all put together.
7.Maybe she can even pull some of the lesbian vote from the Obamians just because she's a hottie.
8. The only people that I have heard so far that don't like her are angry white male liberals.
9. My Dad even likes her and he's a die hard union democrat.
10.The libs are mad because they wanted to be the first ones to get a woman into such a high position just because.
They never gave Condie cudo's and called her an uncle Tom white man lover, and never could give her credit for her status under the Bush administration.
Now if Condie were on the libs team, the liberal media would have been cramming her down our throats on a daily basis, those hypocrites.
Yeah, when did you ever see Jesse Jackson praise condie?
11. She may even pull alot of black male voters,black dudes love white chicks, sorry, just tellin you like it is.
Oh yeah, this lady is smart, and pretty...take that Nacy Pelosi