Meet my Daughter.... This is her Story..

Prayers sent her way.

And if I had anything to spare at the moment, I wouldn't hesitate to donate something either (sadly, like many, I'm constantly broke).

I've been there, and survived Lymphoma (still have the scars where they removed lymphnodes too, looks like I received a Russian Necktie or tried to slit my own throat). It was over 15 years ago. I didn't get the second condition that she's suffering from though. All I remember was the doctor telling me to go home and do nothing, just rest. Screw that, using every ounce of energy I had, I went outside and did a top end rebuild on an ATV engine, made it back to the house and passed out. Did that kind of daily routine for a while, until I had the energy to put in a full day.

The biggest thing with any serious condition, don't listen to anything negative and keep on fighting for a brighter tomorrow, even if someone else tells you otherwise. You'll prove them wrong, every single time! :glasses7:
I cannot read it all, I am sorry. We watched my mama whither away for seven years with what started out as stage 3 breast cancer in 1978 and ended up as bone and lymphatic cancers taking he life in 1984. So, it's still very tough for me to think about. That's why it was so difficult for me to be with Bruce (RIP) with all that he went through, but he had no one else, so, though very difficult, I was there.

She's a very lovely young lady. You should be proud. We have an old saying down here. "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog". She's got a lotta fight in her. I wish her and all of you the best and adding all of you to the prayer list here. God bless yall.

Your daughter is a stronger individual then I could ever hope to be. Let her know she is an inspiration.
Thank you all... The second condition was the result from the Chemo.. Its called Transverse Mylitis.. It paralyzed her from the chest down, After beating the cancer 2x.
Wow! She is one tough beautiful young lady. I bet your really proud of her.
I to am a lymphoma survivor, mine was non hodgkins though. The treatment I went through pails compaired to what your daughter has been through. What a beautiful young lady she is. My prayers and well wishes are coming her way. God bless!
A lot of us get tripped up by little things in life and then piss and moan about them.

She is an inspiration to us all.

Best of luck to her....and to you and all your family.

I saw this on the "B" site, even though i'm not a member there. She's a beautiful and very strong young woman. My prayers are with Melissa and your whole family to have a long and prosperous life ahead.
Life is not fair. I lost my little boy in July from brain cancer. I'm so glad you still have your daughter. Make sure she knows how much she means to you every day. If I've learned anything this year it's that there are still very generous people in this world. It's too bad it takes situations like this to realize it. Thanks for sharing her story. She is a very beautiful and strong young woman. I'm sure she won't let this slow her down.
Amazing young woman. Prayers that she improves and funds come in to help her. Like 2 members here I am a Non Hodgkin-lymphoma survivor myself. I was lucky it was caught in late stage 3 they did aggressive chemo and stem cell collection for bone morrow to treat and inject back in my system. I never had the radiation, I was told it would not help. That has been 15 years ago and I am still fighting everyday to get back to normal which will happen one day.

God Bless your family
Thanks for sharing that awesome story. You have beautiful daughters and your last post shows the true generousity of strangers. In the end, all we have is each other. I love Stephanie's "I intend fully to be paying this forward" comment--reminds me of the phrase "the only gifts we ever keep are those we give away"...there's some truth in that. Best wishes for your family!
Your daughter, and her fight for life, moved me in an emotional way. I, and NO ONE I know, would have that kind of strength of mind and body. She may not be able to walk but she is super human and a super human. I question God's motive in these cases of hardships placed on good people and will some day find out "why". But until then I will do everything in my power to help your daughter and others like her. The charity you listed above, does it contribute more that 95% of contributions, and if not, can I contribute directly to her?
Your daughter, and her fight for life, moved me in an emotional way. I, and NO ONE I know, would have that kind of strength of mind and body. She may not be able to walk but she is super human and a super human. I question God's motive in these cases of hardships placed on good people and will some day find out "why". But until then I will do everything in my power to help your daughter and others like her. The charity you listed above, does it contribute more that 95% of contributions, and if not, can I contribute directly to her? scroll to the bottom and the link will take you to
She gets it all..Mention the car site... I love seeing the plugs.
Don't be afraid to read is truly amazing what happened since the story in the first post to this will make your day.

Your daughters are really something. Thank you for sharing your family's story.

There should be a video in that link as well..
She hass read the FBBO and FABO links and wrote this to you guys..

Big fat thank you and lots and lots of hugs to all of you for having faith in me and supporting me! It has been a crazy 7 years and my biggest fear of ending up in a nursing home at 30 has sort of calmed down. I never wanted to feel like a burden to anyone or put my family trough the hard time of taking car of me, this will give me the chance to gain independence back and have the chance to function as "normal" as possible. I couldn't have gotten this chance with out your help and love. So I am sending all the positive vibes right back to you As I type this, karma will be very busy paying you all back for quite some time, thank you :)

Holy Crap! I give to Chive Charities all the time. I'm a huge Chiver and always seeing whats going on.

It's awesome to see the Chivers charities they do. Money comes in so fast!

KCCO to your daughter. Can't wait to we see the update on The Chive!


I'm a chiver and give to the cause as well...NEVER would I have thought that someone thru a car enthusiast site would be connected thru something like that.

that's awesome!

KCCO from South Texas!

I'm a chiver and give to the cause as well...NEVER would I have thought that someone thru a car enthusiast site would be connected thru something like that.

that's awesome!

KCCO from South Texas!

I've been a car enthusiast before Melissa was born. LOL..I just happen to be a Mopar guy. The Chive Charirities are a great org. I hope they get their 501C soon, so taxes (38%) don't kill the fundraising.
Melissa will be in Austin for some Chive Gala at the end of Oct, I believe.