Missed birthday- I forgive you!



I used to reMember
Jul 11, 2011
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Eastampton, NJ
:wtf:well, you all missed my birthday yesterday. :(

But I forgive you because we’re Away on vacation! We’re here today in Antigua and loving life! The wife and several other women were all excited that they saw a “baby shark”, until I burst their bubble by telling them it was just a Jack instead. Lots of fish and I was able to even touch one for a split second toady (a needle nose fish that i’ve Never seen before here). Yesterday we went scuba diving in St. Thomas. It was wonderful! We hit Wye reef and the Cansanger wreck. Both were great dives (missed you Fratzog Lover!). Tomorrow is St. Lucia and a zip-line tour. Food is great on this cruise! I probably gained 3 pounds already!

Maybe we should do a FABO cruise???
Well Happy belated.

How did we both forget. Well maybe Cindy did remind me, I dont remember! The best birthday present is being out of Jersey! Happy Birthday mate.
How did we both forget. Well maybe Cindy did remind me, I dont remember! The best birthday present is being out of Jersey! Happy Birthday mate.
You two should have come too! Though it was tough to get 12 days in a row free! Great scuba diving conditions, 83 degree water temps and higher. Great rum punches (not watered down as usual). We’ll have to get together before Christmas. Maybe we can join you on Christmas day? What can we bring?
You two should have come too! Though it was tough to get 12 days in a row free! Great scuba diving conditions, 83 degree water temps and higher. Great rum punches (not watered down as usual). We’ll have to get together before Christmas. Maybe we can join you on Christmas day? What can we bring?
Going to Raymonds for pizza tonight, we will talk about it.